Exploring The Versatility Of Dental Implants

For anyone who’s ever looked into dental implants in Richmond, they’ll know that they’re unlike any other form of tooth replacement in that they’re implanted directly into the jaw bone itself. Although it’s relatively obvious that an implant is the perfect solution for filling a gap where a missing tooth once stood, what about several teeth or whole rows of missing teeth? Just how practical are they then?

Several adjacent teeth

dental implants in RichmondIf a patient has experienced several missing teeth that are adjacent to each other, then it’s certainly possible to plug each gap with an implant. Alternatively as a cheaper option a patient might want to opt for an implant supported bridge. The main difference between an implant supported bridge and the standard version is that the framework of the bridge is held in place by the implant and not a natural healthy tooth. Therefore any extra force needed to support the framework isn’t at the expense of a natural healthy tooth which could be weakened long-term. In addition when a natural tooth supports a bridge it has to be reshaped to fit the framework properly.

Rows of missing teeth

If a patient visits a clinic with swathes of missing teeth or has to have multiple teeth pulled then it probably isn’t cost-effective to plug every missing gap with a dental implant. Instead the dentist is likely to recommend implant supported dentures. As few as 4 dental implants are placed at strategic positions along the arch of missing teeth and once secured into the jawbone, a framework of dentures can then be clipped onto the implants themselves. The advantages of these over standard dentures are that once they’re clipped on, they’re incredibly strong, yet are easily removed for cleaning purposes. Implant supported dentures also negate the need for glues or fixatives to keep them in place, leaving the user with an all-round, hassle-free experience.

As you can see, aside from being the only permanent and natural looking form of tooth replacement that modern dentistry allows, dental implants in Richmond are versatile and as such are considered a better alternative to many of the older dental techniques that are on offer..

If you want to find out more about how we can help you replace your missing teeth, contact us on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk today and start the ball rolling towards a healthier, happier you!