Dental Phobias – Are They Really Just In Our Imagination?

For anyone about to undergo surgery for dental implants in Richmond, it’s understandable that a patient is going to feel a certain amount of trepidation. However for many people it isn’t just complex surgical procedures that make them fear the dentist. Instead in an interesting survey recently carried out by YouGov, around 33% of patients fear a dental check up more than they do public speaking. But that isn’t all. A visit to the dentist was also said to cause greater anxiety than open spaces, confined spaces, a fear of spiders and even flying.

dental implants in RichmondPerhaps the biggest fear of the dentist is something called Trypanophobia (a fear of needles) and in the survey this rates worse than a fear of crowds (social agoraphobia) a fear of clowns (coulrophobia), a fear of the dark (nyctophobia), and a fear of blood (hemophobia). The good news is that nowadays, dentists realise that patient fear is a big problem and in some cases it can put people off from having treatment even though they badly need it. With a better understanding of the problem and the advances in technology, dentists and dental clinics are far better positioned to deal with the problems of dental fear.

Patient friendly clinics

Have you noticed how dental clinics are no longer called ‘surgeries’? Instead they’re known as practices. Austere white walls and that overpowering smell of antiseptic have been replaced by comfortable seating, soft music, and the smell of fresh cut flowers. Friendly, smiling receptionists are there to greet you, often by your first name, so you feel almost like you’re visiting an old friend.

Pain free dentistry

The latest technology also means pain-free dentistry. The dental wand for example is a computer driven injection system which delivers injections in a completely pain free way. Numbing gels are also available to numb the gums before any injections are undertaken.

For complex treatments such as dental implants in Richmond, here at Sheen Dental we use the latest conscious sedation techniques to deliver pain free dentistry, without the usual grogginess and sickness that some anaesthetics can bring.

If you want to know more about preventative, cosmetic, and restorative dental treatments in Richmond, then contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team do everything they can in order to bring back your smile. That’s fear free!