Diamonds Are Forever When It Comes To Dental Implants!

Could the future of dental implants in Richmond be diamonds? In a recent discovery scientists believe that they could well be. They’ve found that tiny spherical shaped diamonds could be used to not only improve the durability of dental implants but also promote that all important bone growth which is vital to implant success.

dental implants in RichmondUnfortunately those who have diamond implants fitted in the future won’t be sporting an amazing amount of bling when smiling as the gems used will be minuscule and unseen to the naked eye. That said, they’re no less important. Instead they could be key in combating many forms of bone loss including osteonecrosis. This is a potentially debilitating disease in which reduced blood flow prevents bone from growing and instead breaks it down.

A Professor of oral biology and medicine at the Nanocarbon Research Institute in Japan, Dr Dean Ho explained that at present many surgeons typically inset a sponge into the mouth which contains the proteins necessary to promote healthy bone growth. This takes a tremendous amount of time, an element of luck, and a great deal of cost. Nanodiamonds on the other hand are an effective way of delivering proteins accurately and once in position have been proven to bind to the bone easier, promoting speedier bone growth.

So how does it work?

In essence the unique surface of the diamonds allows the slow release of proteins. This in turn allows the affected area to be treated over a longer period of time. Perhaps what’s even more exciting is that the nanodiamonds are so small they can be administered non-evasively through a mouthwash if necessary.

Up until now, those with acute bone loss problems such as osteocronosis were virtually ineligible for dental implant surgery. However although it’s early days, the results could pave the way to opening up the field for more people to go ahead and have dental implants.

If you suffer from tooth loss and are considering dental implants in Richmond, then why not contact us at Sheen Dental. We offer all potential patients a free, no-obligation consultation where you can have all your questions and concerns answered as well as finding out if you are indeed eligible for the process. Contact Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team on 020 8876 5277 today and take one step closer towards realising your dream of a great looking smile and a more confident you! You can also read more information on our website at