All You Need To Know About Sinus Lifts

If you’ve been doing any kind of research on dental implants in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country you’re more than likely to have come across the term ‘sinus lift’ at some point. In general terms a sinus lift is a relatively routine procedure that’s carried out before implants are fitted. So what exactly is a sinus lift and why would you benefit from it?

dental implants in RichmondSinus lift surgery is carried out in cases where implants are being fitted into the upper jaw and is a surgical procedure that ‘prepares’ the site ready to take them. By adding more bone where it’s needed the implant stands a greater chance of remaining firmly in place once anchored in.

So when would you require a sinus lift?

Sinuses are found all over the face, particularly in each cheek just above the jawbone. When the sinuses expand they leave a cavity. The problem is that if an implant is attached into the upper jawbone, instead of being implanted into solid bone, it hits a cavity. When this occurs the platform is unstable, resulting in a potentially loose implant. For this reason the cavity area needs to be filled with bone. To do this, tiny amounts of bone can either be taken from other areas of the body, or from a bone bank. They’re then implanted directly into the cavity area where over time, they’ll fuse and grow. Once this happens the implant has a solid platform of bone mass into which it can be attached.

What about the procedure itself?

As already mentioned sinus lift surgery is classed as a routine procedure that can be carried out at the dental clinic. Once an anaesthetic is applied a tiny incision is made through the gum exposing the jaw bone. A flap is then lifted upwards containing the sinus, leaving a gap underneath which is then filled with bone. Once this is done the area is closed up and left to heal. Under normal circumstances there’s no scarring and a recovery period of up to 6 months may be necessary to let the bone heal, before any implants are placed. In some cases it is possible to have the implant surgery at the same time, but it depends on the individual case and the type of bone graft material being used.

So what should I expect post surgery?

For up to a week after surgery the sinus and jaw areas may be slightly swollen and there may also be slight bleeding from the nose and the mouth. Patients are advised to refrain from forcefully blowing their nose as this can dislodge any stitches that are in place. Under normal circumstances stitches are removed after a couple of weeks and further appointments will be made to regularly assess the healing process.

Although a sinus lift seems invasive, new technology is now available that will speed up the process making it much easier. The good news is that once this has been carried out, you’re one step closer to having dental implants so you can break out that perfect smile once again.

To find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they can change your life, why not visit our website at or alternatively speak to us in person on 020 8876 5277 to book a free consultation.