Why Are There Such Price Variations Between UK Clinics Offering Dental Implants

If you’ve ever done a quick price comparison for dental implants you might well be surprised at the variations between clinics. For example if you were looking to undergo treatment for dental implants in Richmond per se, the end price might be considerably lower than a clinic in Central London but more expensive than a dental practice in Manchester or Liverpool. Why is this? The bottom line is that there are several determining factors and here are some of them.

Type of implant

dental implants in RichmondSurprisingly there are over 150 different types of dental implant on the market all competing against each other. While companies like Nobel Biocare and Straumann have been in the industry for decades and have the financial backing to invest millions into product research and development, others don’t. A a result the only way that the smaller manufacturers can stand out from the crowd is by price. If a clinic opts to use a cheaper implant but without the tried and tested backing of the larger companies, they might be able to pass this saving onto the patient.

Overheads and utilities

To run a successful clinic takes money in the form of overheads. These can range from the rental of the property to staff wages and to utilities like electricity and heating. Clearly overheads are going to vary greatly depending upon where in the country the clinic is situated and this is something that has to be taken into account when looking at the overall costs of a dental implant procedure.

Experience of the implantologist

Many dentists who go on to study implantology undergo years of study and training and this doesn’t come cheap. What’s more many who have been in the industry for some time go on to teach these skills to the new generation of dentists who want to follow in their footsteps. Here at Sheen Dental for example, Dr Harmit Kalsi has vast experience and knowledge within the industry and has gone on to teach undergraduate and postgraduate trainees. More often than not it’s the reassurance of experience and knowledge that people are paying for.

Is the price inclusive?

You might well have read somewhere that at (fill in your clinic of choice here) implants start from just £500. Even though this sounds appealing the key word to look out for here is ‘from’. A dental implant comes in three parts and these are made up of the implant itself (the titanium post that’s fitted directly into the jawbone), the crown (the most recognisable part of the structure) and the abutment (a socket like structure that sits between the post and the crown. In the majority of cases where cheaper prices are quoted this price may only include the implant itself, so you’d then have to pay extra for the crown and abutment. Conversely other clinics will have a more transparent pricing structure giving you clear costs for the whole package so you know exactly what you’re paying for.

Knowing what we know now, it’s clear that anyone looking into a dental implant procedure should expect price variations as the norm rather than the exception and to choose a clinic based on a number of factors not simply on price alone.

To find out more about costs pertaining to dental implants in Richmond then visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. Alternatively if you’d like to speak to someone in person then why not contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation. Here you can get all your questions answered and your concerns addressed, allowing you to make an informed dental decision that’s right for you.