Dental Implants And The Age Myth Explained

There are a great many people who are under the impression that age is a barrier to undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond. This is why many people might consider it for a fleeting moment but end up opting for other alternatives to missing teeth replacement. The truth is that whilst there is an age barrier in that implants generally aren’t placed in patients under the age of 15 as their jaw is still developing, there is certainly no upper age limit. What’s more, for any elder patient, having dental implants can totally change their life

Implants are a real confidence boost

dental implants in RichmondMany dental implant clinics including us here at Sheen Dental have successfully fitted implants to people in their 80’s and 90’s and even to those in their 100’s. The experience of no longer having to worry about the foods that they eat gives them the opportunity to choose a varied and healthy diet. This has a knock-on effect which can lead to improved overall health and a more youthful look, giving them a new lease of life and a real boost of confidence to boot.

Rather than age being a barrier, the emphasis is on having all-round good health. This includes both oral and holistic health. You see, one of the most important factors for dental implant success is that it needs to be placed into healthy and sufficient bone in order to give the implant the best chances of success. Not only this, an implant is also open to bacterial infection especially in the early days. Because of this, anyone who suffers with gum disease prior to implant placement needs to have the problem dealt with first before they go ahead. In addition another lifestyle choice which could cause problems for implants is smoking. Bacteria found in cigarette smoke is known to be harmful to newly placed implants and as such, anyone that smokes who is considering a dental implant in Richmond, will need to strongly think about quitting.

The only real issue an older person might face as opposed to a younger person is that the risks of having insufficient bone for the implant to sit in, might be greater, especially if they’re long-term denture wearers. Even if this is the case, it shouldn’t rule out the possibility of implants because there are processes such as bone grafts and mini-implants which don’t need quite so much bone depth, which can all help to achieve the ultimate goal of having permanent replacement teeth.

So there you have it! Age isn’t a barrier to having dental implants and instead the emphasis is more about health. If you want to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and whether you’re eligible or not, then why not start the ball rolling by opting for a free, no-obligation consultation? You can get all your questions and concerns answered as well as an examination to see whether you’re a good fit for implants. Contact us today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at and give yourself the information you need to make an informed decision about your dental future.