A Few Words About The Effects Of Smoking And Dental Implants

It’s well-documented that smoking affects our overall health and well-being but did you know that it also has a dramatic effect on our oral health too? This is why if you’re considering undergoing surgery for dental implants in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the UK, you’ll be expected to quit smoking. Buy why is this?

dental implants in RichmondSmoking and any other forms of tobacco are major contributors towards dental problems within our society. The reason is that cigarettes, cigars, and tobacco aid the accumulation of bacteria within the mouth. This leads to a build up of plaque which in turn can lead to tooth decay.

Nicotine and tar taken into the mouth while smoking sticks to the teeth. This in turn prevents the easy flow of saliva around the mouth. Because this happens bacteria is allowed to build up. At the same time gums become inflamed and loosen, allowing the bacteria access, resulting in gum disease. If not dealt with it can lead to tooth loss and bone damage.

It’s a well-known fact that smoking also decreases the blood flow in the mouth by as much as 70% meaning essential nutrients contained within can’t get to the affected areas causing a greater risk. With that said, smoking dramatically increases the likelihood of dental implant failure for the following reasons

Lengthy healing time

The healing or recovery time from implant surgery is dramatically lengthened in smokers due to decreased blood flow and in some cases there’s a possibility that healing might not even occur at all. This creates an increased risk of implant failure to such an extent that most implant clinics won’t fit dental implants to those who insist on continuing smoking.

Excess bacteria equals excess risk

Although a dental implant in Richmond is considered the most natural form of tooth replacement that modern dentistry allows, just like our natural teeth, implants are susceptible to gum problems caused by bacteria, especially in the first few critical months immediately after surgery. This is why it’s important to thoroughly brush and floss implants just as you would your normal teeth. Smoking as we already know will increase bacterial build-up to the point where no amount of brushing and flossing can protect the implants from risk.

The reality is that any implant clinic worth their salt will expect you to quit smoking. However for many people and for whatever reason this might not be an option. Because of this, and at the very least, a clinic would expect you to cease smoking for a few weeks before the process and for the duration of the recover period which can be up to nine months. Once the bone has properly grown around the implant then the risk of implant failure decreases. Nevertheless it will be necessary to attend regular check-ups with the clinic to make sure that the implant remains well and truly intact.

To find out more about smoking and dental implants in Richmond then book yourself a free, no obligation appointment with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. To do so either visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively phone direct on 020 8876 5277.