A Healthy Smile Is About Much More Than Just Cosmetic Dentistry

In today’s fast paced society it’s not uncommon for some busy people to overlook the importance of a healthy smile and to treat their teeth with the same kind of rushed attitude as grabbing a takeaway for supper. Many fail to recognise the fact that teeth are rooted into bone and that the jawbone is connected to the rest of their skeleton. All manner of serious health issues can come about as a result of decaying teeth and infected mouths. Digestive problems, systemic disease and even heart failure have been linked to tooth infection. This is largely why dental implants in Richmond and elsewhere in the UK have had such a huge impact on the oral health of our nation.

Dental Implants in RichmondDental implants allow for the removal of decaying tooth roots and elimination of root canal treatment and for their replacement with titanium implants which fuse with the surrounding bone to create a stable platform for a prosthetic tooth or arch of teeth. In conjunction with a high-tech laboratory the prosthodontist can custom an aesthetically pleasing and functional new smile which is very close to the original only minus the infection and decay.

The concept of cosmetic dentistry is a little misleading as for many people it conjures up an image of a glowing white Hollywood Smile, with more emphasis on the appearance than the overall health of the teeth. It’s fair to say there are many worthy cosmetic procedures such as whitening and contouring, but many of them assume that the teeth are already stable and healthy from the outset.

Dental implants aren’t just about looks and restoring a smile but serve to promote overall health to the mouth. For example a dental implant will prevent teeth on either side of a missing tooth gap from shifting position to try and fill that gap, causing misalignment to the bite. In addition the implant will prevent further bone loss and promote the growth of new bone. It will also help to fill out the contours of the face and prevent that sunken look where a person looks years older than they are. Most importantly, a dental implant will improve a person’s chewing ability, meaning their food is properly digested and they can eat a wider range of foods, all of which points to improved overall health.

Here at Sheen Dental we can work with you to improve your oral hygiene to a degree where we can consider placing a dental implant in Richmond. An implant will help to stabilise your existing teeth, restore your smile and give you back your confidence too. To learn more about the dental implant procedure why not visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or give us a call on 020 8876 5277 to book a free consultation. Together we can restore failing dentition to one which is strong and healthy.