A Word (or two) About Dental Implant After Care

When it comes to dental implants in Richmond, there’s been much written about how medically advanced implants are in comparison with other forms of tooth replacement. That said, unless you talk to someone who has undergone the treatment, there isn’t too much documented about what you need to do to aid recovery after the event. With this in mind, here at Sheen Dental we thought that it would be a good idea to give people an idea so as they know what to expect.

Don’t disturb the wound

dental implants in RichmondEven though it might be tempting to feel the area with your tongue, it’s best not to disturb the wound, otherwise bleeding, irritation, or a loosening of the stitches may occur.


Rinsing the affected area either with a prescribed antiseptic mouthwash or warm water and a little salt is a good idea. Carried out three or four times a day, gentle rinsing can help to strengthen and heal the area more quickly.

Don’t skip food

Even though you might not feel like it, it’s important to continue to take nourishment. At first try liquids such as warm (but not hot) soups, soft boiled eggs, soft fish and dairy products and then progress when you feel able to. If you continue to eat your body will heal faster. Partake in plenty of liquid especially water (8 glasses per day is the recommended intake) and remember to avoid chewing on the implant side.

Managing pain

The one question everyone asks us about dental implants in Richmond is “Are they painful?” The answer we always give is that during the surgery the patient should feel no pain at all. However for a day or so after the event, depending upon the amount of surgery, they may feel a little pain. Under normal circumstances over-the-counter pain killers such as paracetamol and Ibuprofen are normally recommended. Normally if they’re taken after meals with water for 4-5 days then any pain should decrease.


As well as a little pain there may be some swelling. Although it doesn’t occur in every patient it can be a little uncomfortable. For this reason cold compresses should be liberally applied to the area in 5 minute intervals for the first few hours after surgery.


Try not to brush the affected area for at least 3 days after surgery. Then use a very soft toothbrush dipped in hot water only.


Report any problems promptly

If you notice any excess bleeding or pain then this might be a sign that something isn’t right. For this reason, report any problems straight away so as your implant dentist can deal with the problem before it gets out of hand.

If you want to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they can change your life, visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. Alternatively you can contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 to make a booking for a consultation. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make a fully informed decision about your dental future.