Advice On Going Abroad For Your Dental Implants

It’s fair to say that the majority of UK dentists want you to stay in the UK when it comes to implant surgery and this is understandable but here at Sheen Dental, with our vast experience of fitting dental implants in Richmond, we also realise that many patients are looking to save money on their treatment by going abroad.

dental implants in RichmondIt’s also important to mention that not every foreign clinic should be tarred with the same brush but as a potential patient, you’ll need to make sure that you have all the reassurances and information you need, before booking your trip. With this in mind, here are a list of questions that you might want to consider.

Do they speak your language?

While it might be okay ordering a meal or asking for directions in a foreign language, understanding complex and highly important medical information is a different matter, especially when English might not be quite so widely spoken. For this reason it’s best to look for a clinic where the clinicians speak good English so that should you need any questions or concerns answered, you have the reassurance of knowing that you’ll be fully understood..

Who exactly is going to be carrying out my dental treatment?

At Sheen Dental when a patient undergoes treatment for a dental implant in Richmond, they’re made fully aware of every aspect of their treatment. From recovery times through to what they should expect, they’re left with no uncertainty. This includes meeting the dentist who is going to be carrying out the treatment. Travelling abroad for dental surgery should be no exception. You ought be able to trust your dentist and have complete faith in their abilities. Any dentist worth their salt should be willing to provide you with patient testimonials or points of reference when you speak to them regarding their work. They should also have no qualms about answering questions relating to their qualifications or telling you how many implants they’ve successfully carried out. Once you have all this information, chances are you’ll feel better advised to make those all important choices.

What rights do I have should things go wrong?

This is an important aspect of any dental implant treatment but even more so when travelling abroad. For example, what about if you’re not happy with the end results, who pays for flights and any remedial work undertaken? Does the clinic have a complaints system in place should things go awry and what are the procedures?

Ultimately going abroad for dental treatment can have its positives especially when it comes to the cost. However if you don’t do your research, it could be a trip that you’ll never forget for all the wrong reasons.

If you prefer to be closer to home and would like an experienced clinic fitting dental implants in Richmond, then contact Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. With decades of experience within the industry we have the skills to be able to restore your smile. To find out how we can help you call us on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at