After Implant Surgery

If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond then you probably know all about the procedure and that it involves surgery; but what about aftercare? Do you need time off work, can you eat, and so forth. We’ve put together a short guide to help you recover as quickly as possible after surgery.

dental-implants-surgeryLooking after your new implant

Let’s face it, there’s no denying that dental implant surgery is an invasive procedure and no matter how experienced the surgeon, you are likely to experience a little pain and discomfort once the affects of the anaesthetic have worn off.

Over the counter pain killers will ease any pain that you feel in the first few days after surgery, but here’s a few tips to help make recovery easier in those early days.

Take things easy

If you can, then it’s worth taking a few days off work to help you relax and to let any discomfort subside. If this isn’t possible then at least try to relax in any way you can, given your particular circumstances. You certainly shouldn’t be rushing around or playing any sports for several days.

Soft foods only

Naturally you’re going to need to eat even though you’ve just received dental implants in Richmond, but at this critical stage it’s important to eat things that are kind to your mouth. You’re bound to feel some soreness at the dental implant site for the first few days so avoid eating anything that requires chewing. Liquids are best for this and can include soups, yoghurts, and drinks. If you have a liquidiser then you can be a bit more inventive with your food choices.

Very gradually you can start to vary your diet by adding some slightly firmer food such as mashed potato and cooked pasta, while still protecting your implant. We would recommend that you remain cautious and avoid all harder foods. It’s only for a short time while your implant heals, and greatly reduces the risk of doing any damage.

No smoking or excessive alcohol

Many dentists will tell you to avoid smoking until the entire implant procedure has been completed, and certainly until your implant has healed and integrated with the jawbone. This is to avoid the risk of infection which is considerably high in those who smoke or drink large amounts of alcohol.

Keep up with the visits

Our experienced team are on hand to ensure that everything remains on track following surgery, and that means keeping a close eye on your implant. You should always attend all of your follow up appointments as problems spotted early on can mean the difference between implant success and failure. It’s also an opportunity for you to ask any questions or raise any concerns that you may have about your new dental implants.

To book a free consultation with Sheen Dental to discuss in more depth about having a dental implant in Richmond, just call us direct on 020 8876 5277 or book online at