Are Dental Implants Difficult To Take Care Of?

One of the main factors that prolong longevity in dental implants is through practising good standards of oral hygiene. The point to remember is that after care is just as critical as the treatment itself. With this in mind, after you’ve undergone treatment for dental implants in Richmond then the team will show you exactly how to keep them in top condition. Does this mean that they’re difficult to take care of?

dental implants in RichmondIn a word no! Implants are secured directly into the jawbone and are therefore a permanent fixture in your mouth. They don’t need to be taken out at night or when eating and they don”t need to be soaked in a cleaning solution either. In many ways they’re just like your normal teeth and need to be treated as such. With this in mind, regular brushing, flossing and rinsing is key.


As already mentioned, you’ll be given full instructions on how to care for your implant but there are some important areas you need to pay attention to. These include above and below the gum line on your implant supported tooth as well as in between your neighbouring tooth. You may also be asked to purchase special brushes such as an end-tufted brush and/or an interdental brush. Let’s take a quick look at each one in turn.

End tufted brush

A softer end-tufted brush (often referred to as an inter-space brush) is perfect for those hard-to-reach areas in and around yourdental implant. In Richmond, here at Sheen Dental we sell these brushes right here at the clinic.

Interdental brush

An interdental brush has a smaller, almost pinpoint-like head that’s perfect for getting in between the crevices of the implant and the adjoining tooth. Most are plastic coated wire brushes and come in a variety of sizes. Your dentist will help you select the right one for you. Just as you would with your normal teeth brushing should continue at least twice daily and if possible after meals.


Flossing is recommended for those narrow areas where the interdental brush can’t reach. By passing the floss back and forth between your teeth it removes any remaining food particles and residue.


Finally, your dentist is likely to recommend a good antiseptic mouthwash and this should be used in conjunction with cleaning and flossing.

The important thing to note is that with dental implants you’re getting a second chance and because of this, proper and thorough cleaning plus routine dental visits are more imperative than ever before.

If you want to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they can change your life why not visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered, allowing you to make a fully informed dental decision.