Are Dental Implants Prone To Tooth Decay And Cavities?

For anyone who has lost teeth due to advanced tooth decay and cavities and are considering a dental implant in Richmond, the first thing they’re looking for is reassurance that their implants will not be prone to a similar fate. During the initial consultation with Dr. Harmit Kalsi they may well ask whether their new appliances will be susceptible to cavities or periodontal disease. Unfortunately the answer isn’t as clear cut as they may have hoped.

dental implants in RichmondThe implant itself is made from titanium and is not directly affected by oral bacteria that is the cause of tooth decay and cavities. What’s more the material used for the prosthetic teeth is not affected either.

However, as an answer to the original question, this brief explanation doesn’t really portray the full picture and in truth a dental implant doesn’t mean that patients need no longer worry about the effects of oral diseases once they’ve received dental implants. Let’s explain further:


When an implant is placed into the jaw, it merges with the surrounding bone to create a stable support to hold the implant in place, acting to all intents and purposes as a replacement tooth root. As such it halts any bone loss and promotes the growth of healthy new bone. Tooth decay or periodontal disease which reaches the point where it causes bone loss can be a severe threat to dental implants and if it reaches bone in the vicinity of the implant, then it can cause the implant to weaken and eventually fall out. In addition, dental implant surgery can’t take place while there is uncontrolled gum disease present. Instead, this issue will need to be addressed and resolved before a dental implant can even be considered.

Dental implants that are cared for have the potential to last for decades and as mentioned above oral bacteria will not affect the implant itself. However, oral diseases can have an indirect affect on the implant’s stability so it is extremely important that you work with the hygienist and the surgeon on an oral health plan to help reduce any risk of decay or gum disease.

If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond and would like more information then why not give Sheen Dental a call on 020 8876 5277 to book a free consultation or check out our website at where you’ll find plenty more information.