Are Dental Implants Really Right For You?

Dental implants in Richmond are becoming more and more popular, yet for anyone considering them there is the question of whether they’re right for you. It can for instance seem a little daunting to undergo a surgical process in order to have metal rods placed into your gums in a process that can last up to 9 months in some patients. For these reasons you need to decide if (A) they’re worth it and (B) if they’re really right for you.

Firstly – Are they worth it?

dental implants in RichmondDental implants have some major benefits over more conventional forms of tooth replacement. These include –


Once implants are secured into position it’s rare for them to need replacing. This is because unlike dentures, implants have the ability to halt the natural process of progressive bone loss. Dentures on the other hand sit on the gum line and therefore need continual adjustment and eventually replacement as the natural shape of the jaw changes. Ultimately because implants are a permanent fixture in the mouth their shelf life often far outweighs that of standard dentures, sometimes by as much as 3-5 times.

Aesthetic appeal

Whether you opt for a dental implant in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country, they’re amongst the most natural looking forms of teeth replacement that we have. They can be colour-matched to resemble the look of your other teeth and can even be fashioned with blemishes to look as lifelike as possible. In fact to the untrained eye, they look very much like your natural teeth.

Peace-of-mind dentistry

Let’s face it, loose dentures are every denture wearer’s nightmare. They not only make it difficult to carry out normal daily tasks such as eating or speaking, but you also have this constant fear of possible embarrassment should they fall out. Not only this, they can rub on the gum causing painful sores. With dental implants you never have this problem. It’s a safe surgical process that when complete, lets you eat, speak, and socialise as normal, giving you total peace-of-mind.

Now you know they’re worth it, are they really right for you?

Ultimately it all boils down to whether you can get the same benefits for your dental condition using other forms of teeth replacement. If the answer is no, then it’s well worth speaking to your dentist about how dental implants can help.

At Sheen Dental we’ve got years of experience in placing dental implants in Richmond. As a result we know first hand the true benefits that they’ve given our patients over the years. To find out more why not check out our website at or call us on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation today.