Are Dental Implants Safe?

Every year the number of patients receiving dental implants in Richmond increases but many people are still unsure of the process and undecided whether or not they should get dental implants. It can seem a little daunting getting metal posts drilled into your gums, but what good do they bring, and how do you make the right decision for you?

The way dental implants work

dental implants in RichmondA dental implant is a small screw like device which is made from titanium and implanted into the jawbone in a surgical procedure. This small post replaces the tooth root ie, the part of the tooth that is below the gums.

Once the implant has fused with the surrounding bone, the head will be exposed in order that an abutment can be fitted. This will be used to cement a dental crown on to. All of these actions are irreversible since the implant and the crown become a permanent fixture in the mouth. The dental implant is designed to totally recreate the entire structure of the natural tooth, and is the only device in the dental industry that does this.

If you have multiple missing teeth, then instead of several implants you’ll have the option of receiving an overdenture. This is like a set of normal false teeth attached to a piece of plastic that is moulded and coloured to resemble the gums. Metal fitments beneath the dentures attach to connectors on the implants to stabilise them and prevent them from moving. They can be fixed or removable.

Benefits of dental implants

  • Permanent fixture
  • Highly durable
  • Extremely natural looking
  • Biological compatibility
  • Biological functionality
  • Low maintenance

The choice of dental implants depends on just how much you’ll gain from the treatment. If you think that other forms of tooth restoration will meet your dental needs, then have a chat with your dentist so you can make a well informed decision.

Safety of dental implants

Although some people are a little fearful of the surgery involved in getting a dental implant in Richmond here at Sheen Dental it really is a very common procedure that we undertake every day. Dr. Kalsi is highly qualified and very experienced so you can be assured that you’re in safe hands. The high level of planning beforehand also ensures a surgery that is precise and comfortable for the patient, with the majority of them saying that it wasn’t even as bad as having a tooth extracted. For anxious patients we also offer conscious sedation, so you can be deeply relaxed during the surgery with very little recollection of the procedure afterwards.

If you’d like to know more about dental implants and whether they’re right for you, why not book a free implant consultation online at or phone us direct on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meeting you.