Are Dental Implants The Right Choice For Me?

When a person suffers missing teeth it’s good to know that they have options open to them. Firstly they could of course opt to do nothing, which some people choose to do, especially if the gap isn’t an obtrusive one. However this isn’t recommended simply because it can kick-start a catalyst of problems that will eventually harm your other existing teeth. Secondly they could opt for a partial denture or a bridge, or finally they might want to consider dental implants. In Richmond implants are becoming more and more popular for a number of reasons, but how do you know if they’re the right choice for you?

Amount of available bone

dental implants in RichmondIf you’d prefer to go down the non surgical route and opt for dentures then you need to have a sufficient amount of bone for the dentures to grip on to. One problem with leaving a missing tooth or teeth is that over time a natural process known as bone resorption occurs. This is basically where the bone tissue that once supported the tooth root is no longer stimulated. Over time it starts to waste away and as the gum continues to recede it makes it more difficult to attach dentures to. For this reason the only alternative (albeit a great one) is dental implants. While dental implants too need sufficient bone, the dental surgeon is able to perform a simple bone graft which builds up the area prior to the implants being placed.

Quick fix solution

If you’re after a quick fix solution to your missing teeth problems then dental implants may not be for you. Although the surgical procedure to place an implant is usually carried out in under a hour or so, it’s the recovery (bone fusion) process that takes time. Bone fusion, otherwise known as osseointegration, is a vital part of the implant process and occurs when the surrounding bone tissue grows into the titanium implant to create an incredibly durable platform. Depending upon the healing abilities of the patient this can take between 6 weeks and 3 months. Only after this has happened can the next stages of fitting the abutment and finally, the crown be carried out. Even though the end results are life-like permanent teeth that feel and act just like your natural teeth, in some patients the whole process can take up to 9 months or more to complete. If you’re not prepared to wait that long and are after instant gratification, then dental implants might not be for you.


Finally there’s the cost issue. Dental implants take time and a great deal of skill to fit successfully. Then of course, there’s the cost of the materials and the equipment used in the process. All in all it means that implants certainly aren’t cheap. For this reason some people only seeing the short term financial implications are immediately put off from having them even though in many cases implants are better, more natural, and can easily outlast other forms of teeth replacement.

If you’ve considered all these factors and would like to know more about undergoing a dental implant in Richmond, then come and talk to Sheen Dental. With many years of experience in the field of dental implants we invite you to book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with us. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make a fully-informed dental decision. To make an appointment either book via our website at or alternatively contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team look forward to hearing from you.