Are False Teeth Resigned To History?

20 years ago, for those who had lost their teeth, dental implants in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country were only really available to a select few. For the rest of us mere mortals, we had to put up with a set of ‘falsies’ or false teeth. Cheap and cheerful, they usually came free on the NHS, but in all honesty, they were utterly hopeless as a set of functioning teeth.

dental implants in RichmondAlthough dentures have moved on since then, and given the fact that the modern versions are lightweight and way more natural looking than their predecessors, they haven’t managed to rid themselves entirely of their problems. They still require regular adjustment and eventual replacement as the shape of the jaw changes over time. People still experience problems keeping them in place and loose dentures still cause rubbing leading to painful sores on the gum line.


So what’s the answer?

Bearing in mind we’ve now moved on twenty years you could of course undergo implant replacement which has become readily available. However replacing entire whole rows of teeth with individual implants isn’t really practical. Firstly it’s time consuming with the patient having to go through endless hours of surgery and secondly, the costs of installing multiple individual implants would be astronomical.

That said there’s another far more practical, less time consuming, and definitely less expensive way to replace multiple missing teeth, and that’s by fitting implant retained dentures. With this procedure entire rows of dentures can be supported on arches which are affixed to four to six strategically positioned dental implants.

So what are the benefits?

We’ve already mentioned that it’s far less time consuming than placing individual implants, but some of the other benefits are that the framework is snapped or clipped into place which is then held firmly in position by the implants. This means that there’s no need for glues or fixatives and, more importantly, once implant retained dentures are in position they stay in position, so they aren’t likely to move about, thus giving the wearer total peace-of-mind. However at the same time the wearer has the flexibility of removing them easily for cleaning purposes.

Are standard dentures resigned to the history books?

In a word no! Despite the negative connotations that come with dentures, there will still be those who prefer to stick with the “devil they know”. Maybe it’s purely out of familiarity with the product or the fact that it’s a non-surgical procedure. However another reason why some people will still decide to opt for standard dentures is the initial outlay. They’re normally around half the cost of say dental implants in Richmond. Whatever the reason, it’s unlikely that common or garden dentures are going to be resigned to the history books any time soon. However if you are looking for a long-term strategy for teeth replacement and one that’s virtually hassle free, then you might want to consider the implant supported variety instead.

To find out more and to discuss your dental options contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277, or visit our website at