Are There Any Lower Age Restrictions For Dental Implants?

While it’s true that there are no upper age restrictions for anyone undergoing dental implants in Richmond, what about lower age restrictions? In other words, “How old do you have to be before you can receive treatment for dental implants?” Let’s take a closer look.

dental implants richmondFor any young teenager that’s suffered missing teeth through an accident, it can be a traumatic experience especially when they’re also trying to handle the everyday stress of the transition into adulthood. Clearly in scenarios such as this, the best course of action would be dental implants. However this isn’t always possible. The reason for this relates to bone growth.

Throughout teenage years our body changes dramatically and this includes bone growth. Because dental implants are attached directly into the jaw bone it’s no good placing them into an area of bone that’s still physically growing as this could overtime, undermine the implant causing it to become crooked. As the other teeth around the implant continue to develop it may also cause some discomfort. For this reason, it’s advisable and far less of a risk, to wait until the bone and teeth are fully developed. In girls this is usually around 15-16 and in boys it’s usually around 17-18, but it does depend on the individual.

For these reasons if any young teenager has suffered missing teeth then it’s advisable that temporary partial dentures are fitted until such times as the bone and teeth are fully developed. It’s at this point that the patient can return to our clinic to be fitted with permanent dental implants in Richmond. Although it seems a long time to wait and can be frustrating for the patient it’s in their best interests for the long term. The good news is that if a person in their late teens undergoes a dental implant procedure their new replacement teeth should be with them for many years to come. In fact, such is the strength and durability of a modern day titanium implant that provided it’s taken care of, it can last 30-40 years or more.

If you’d like to find out more about how dental implants in Richmond can change your life, or you’re seriously considering them as a form of missing tooth replacement, then we invite you to book a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered while the team discuss the best dental options for you. To make an appointment either visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. Remember you shouldn’t have to suffer with missing teeth so come and talk to us today.