Are You Tempted To Travel Abroad For Affordable Dental Implants?

Whether you’re considering getting a dental implant in Richmond or Bristol, the reality is that it won’t come cheap. There are several reasons for the high cost of dental implants including the training and skill of the implant dentist, expensive materials used in the manufacture of implants, and the on-going care that is provided to ensure your implants remain healthy. So it’s little wonder then that some people may be tempted to travel abroad for cheaper implants.

dental-implantsHaving viewed a glossy website displaying cheap prices combined with a short ‘holiday’ in the sun, and having checked on the cheap fares offered to many European destinations, it’s not hard to see why people would be lured to another country in a quest to save money on their dental implants. Make no mistake ‘dental tourism’ is big business. Unfortunately many people arrive back to the UK with problems that have arisen from shoddy treatment. This story is so commonplace, that as dentists we would highly recommend that anyone considering travelling abroad for dental implant treatment asks the following important questions before booking their flight:

  • Does your country have a regulating body that all dentists must adhere to?
  • Who will be carrying out the implant treatment and what qualifications do they have?
  • If any problems arise, how can I get them fixed?

We’re not scaremongering and saying that all European clinics are below average, and to be fair there are many excellent ones. However, unlike clients who opt for dental implants in Richmond, those flying abroad for treatment won’t benefit from long term planning since this more affordable option is so priced because it offers a speedy service. Often patients need treatment for gum problems before we can place implants, but for anyone going abroad for treatment, there isn’t time for that. Instead the implants are placed into unhealthy gums and the only possible outcome is going to be implant failure.

Additional costs

Even though the initial implant treatment was cheap, any European clinic is going to charge a hefty fee for remedial work, and then there’s the cost of air flights too and accommodation.

So for any of you who perceive dental implants in Richmond to be expensive, in reality it’s a far more practical solution which can save you heartache and money in the long run.

If you’d prefer a successful dental implant outcome complete with prior planning, excellent preparation, and continual care, then why not get in touch with Sheen Dental today by calling 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at and fill in the contact form.