As A Diabetic Patient Can I Have Dental Implants?

Dental implants in Richmond are a great method of tooth replacement and the treatment is becoming increasingly popular because it offers a permanent solution to tooth loss. Potentially anyone who is missing a tooth, or multiple teeth, is a candidate for dental implants and it’s true to say that the success rate of dental implants is very high. However, there are certain risks involved with dental implants, and unfortunately for diabetics these risks are increased. Although many patients with diabetics are able to have implants, there are certain factors to be discussed with your doctor and your implant dentist before pursuing dental implants.

dental-implants-richmondGum disease

When it comes to diabetes and dental implants, the main threat is gum disease. Patients with diabetes are more likely to have gum disease than other patients, although in its early stages it shouldn’t present too much of a problem. However, if a patient’s body is unable to fight off the bacteria, then the disease can accelerate into a more advanced form of gum disease known as periodontitis, in which the gums start to pull away from the teeth. It can also weaken the bone and may result in tooth loss. Diabetic patients won’t be able to receive dental implants in Richmond until gum disease has been totally eradicated, but the presence of diabetes can also increase the chances of infection following implant surgery.

Diabetic patients and dental implants

If you’re in need of a dental implant and you have diabetes you may still be able to go ahead with the procedure. However, there are several factors which will need to be considered and talked about with your dentist. For example, he’ll need to know about your diabetic history, including the type of diabetes and the length of time you’ve been diabetic. Type 2 diabetes is more easy to treat and control than type 1 diabetes, so getting dental implants is less risky. In addition, people who have only recently been diagnosed with diabetes are better suited to the implant procedure than those who have been living with the disease for many years.

Your overall health is also going to be an important factor in assessing whether or not you can go ahead with dental implants. If you’ve had oral surgery in the past, then the chances are that implant surgery will be successful. Patients with diabetes typically take longer to heal than other patients, so taking a look at how you recovered in the past after surgery, will be a good indication of how your body would handle a future dental implant surgery.

Come and talk to us

If you’re a diabetic and interested in receiving dental implants in Richmond but not sure whether or not you’d be suitable because of your condition, then we’d recommend you come and have a chat with Dr. Harmit Kalsi, here at Sheen Dental. He’ll be able to evaluate your health situation and assess the best type of dental implants which might work for you, while minimising your risks of infection or other problems. To book your free implant consultation you can call us direct on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at