Avoiding Bone Loss With Dental Implants In Richmond

Here at Sheen Dental we’ve seen a large increase in the number of patients seeking a dental implant in Richmond, and not without good reason. Dental implants are an advanced restorative procedure which replace the entire structure of a biological tooth, and because they’re surgically embedded into the jawbone, they feel and act in pretty much the same way as your own teeth. However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for dental implants as they require certain criteria such as a healthy mouth, sufficient bone in the jaw, and good overall bodily health.

dental-implants-richmondTeeth can be lost for a number of reasons such as gum disease, trauma, injury, and decay and in some cases the permanent teeth never develop, in a condition known as congenital absence. If a person suffers a front tooth being accidentally knocked out then for aesthetic reasons most people want it replaced right away. But what if a tooth is missing in a less visible place such as the back of the mouth? What then? Is there really any need to replace it?

When a tooth is lost

To answer this question we need to discuss what happens when a tooth is lost. A tooth is held in place by the alveolar bone which keeps it stable and strong. In addition the tooth roots stimulate the bone and soft tissue to keep them strong and healthy. However, with tooth and consequent root loss, the alveolar bone is no longer stimulated and as such the area around where the tooth once was beings to waste away. This is one of the main reasons why long term denture wearers have a sunken appearance to their face. Not only is bone lost but also the remaining teeth start to move around causing bite problems and jaw pain.

So what can be done?

The good news is that people can avoid bone loss whether they have lost one tooth, several teeth or all of their teeth, thanks to dental implant technology. Implants are surgically placed into the jawbone and left to heal, during which time they bond with the surrounding gum and tissue to become a permanent fixture in the mouth. Acting like tooth roots, they continue to stimulate the jawbone and promote healthy new growth, putting an end to bone loss and jaw degeneration.

Dental implants in Richmond have a high success rate of over 95% and are as strong as biological teeth. If cared for properly with brushing, flossing, and regular dental check ups, they have the potential to last for very many years. Dental implants can also be used to secure bridges and dentures, improving comfort and functionality.

It’s important to note that bone loss occurs more rapidly in the first six months following tooth loss, so if you’re interested in replacing your tooth with a dental implant in Richmond then don’t delay. It’;s easy to set set the ball rolling towards getting an implant simply by scheduling a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental by calling 020 8876 5277 or contacting us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.