Bone Grafts – What Are They And Why Are They Associated With Dental Implants?

For some people, undergoing dental implants in Richmond is a fairly straight forward process but for others, before any implants can be placed, they might have to undergo a bone graft. So what exactly is a bone graft and why is it carried out?

Before we answer this question we need to first of all address how dental implants function.

sheendental_bone-graftsThe dental implant itself is made up of a titanium rod which is secured directly into the jaw bone. Being titanium, it’s bio-compatible, therefore over time, the surrounding bone tissue will merge and fuses with the implant. It’s this process (otherwise known as osseointegration) that creates a strong, durable platform upon which to attach a dental crown, bridge, or framework for an arch of false teeth. Knowing these facts, it’s easy to see how placing the implant into plentiful and healthy bone can ensure the best possible start.

That said, it isn’t always that straightforward. When teeth are missing, a process known as bone atrophy begins. This is where the bone tissue that once surrounded the missing tooth root is no longer stimulated and as such, begins to waste away. As it does so, the surrounding jaw bone starts to diminish and this is why those who wear conventional dentures will find their dentures becoming loose after a while. As far as a dental implant in Richmond is concerned, bone atrophy isn’t good news because the implant needs that sufficient bone mass to thrive and this is where a bone graft comes in.

In essence a bone graft replaces the bone mass that’s missing when bone atrophy has occurred. Microscopic amounts of bone tissue are cleverly taken either from another part of the body or from a bone bank and are transplanted onto the affected area. Over time, the new cells will regenerate giving the patient a full and healthy bone mass where the implant can then be placed. Generally the bone graft procedure is carried out at the clinic and has to be done before any implants can be placed. This means that the patient may have to wait up to six months before they can start the implant process.

If you’d like to find out more about bone grafting, or are considering opting for dental implants in Richmond, then contact Sheen Dental for a free no-obligation consultation. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team will discuss your needs and requirements while answering any questions and concerns that you have, allowing you to make a fully informed decision. To book yours either visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meeting you.