Bridging The Gap With Dental Implants

If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond then you’ll probably already know that they’re the most advanced form of tooth replacement that modern dentistry allows. They’re permanently fixed into the jaw and they have the ability to halt bone loss that occurs naturally once teeth are missing. However what you might not know is that they’re incredibly versatile too.

dental implants in RichmondYou see, implants don’t just replace singular missing teeth, they can also be used to replace two or more adjacent teeth, or even entire rows of teeth. One of the most common ways that dental implants are used is through implant retained bridges.

So why these over a more conventional bridge – After all, a conventional bridge doesn’t require surgery and is relatively easy to fit? Because implant retained bridges are self supporting and don’t need other surrounding healthy teeth for them to operate. Let’s explain…

With a conventional bridge the framework that supports the gap-filling crown or crowns needs the support of nearby teeth. These teeth have to be ground down and shaped to take the supporting structure. Doing this weakens the teeth often making them prone to disease. In effect this goes against the principles of dentistry which is to preserve and look after existing teeth.

So how do implant retained bridges differ?

In those that have consecutive gaps of two or more teeth an implant can be placed into the first gap. This acts as an anchor and is used to support the framework or cantilever for the adjacent crown. Although the treatment requires a quick surgical procedure to anchor the implant in place, once this is done, the second supporting crown is supported by the implant itself and not adjacent healthy teeth. In other words an implant supported bridge is self supporting rather than relying on the support of other structures in the mouth. Therefore the surrounding teeth remain intact and as such stand a far greater chance of staying healthy.

There are many combinations of implant retained bridges that can be used; such as one implant supporting two crowns for gaps of three teeth, or two implants, each supporting a crown, for gaps of four teeth. Your implant dentist will discuss with you your options.

If you’re living with missing teeth then you shouldn’t have to suffer. Instead visit your specialist dentist dealing in dental implants in Richmond for a better understanding of just how they can help. At Sheen Dental we’ve been successfully placing dental implants at our Richmond practice for years. A such we invite you to come and speak to Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team. To make a booking visit our website at or alternatively phone us on 020 8876 5277. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.