Bring Back Your Confidence With Dental Implants

Smiling is a natural process that the majority of us take for granted. We smile when we meet someone for the very first time; we smile when we’re happy; and we smile when we’re surrounded by family and friends. Imagine then how awful it must feel for people who are too embarrassed to smile for fear of others seeing the gaps in their mouth where teeth are missing, or for those with dentures that slip and slide around in their mouths who are afraid to socialise in case their teeth let them down. Life shouldn’t and needn’t be like this thanks to dental implants. In Richmond we still get immense pleasure from patients who say that dental implants have totally changed their lives for the better.

What are dental implants?
dental implants in RichmondDental implants are a permanent and natural looking method of replacement for missing teeth. They’re surgically inserted into the jawbone and effectively fill a gap or larger space where one or more teeth have been lost. They’re extremely versatile and can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth and can also be used to support a denture to stop it from moving around.

Here are 5 ways that dental implants can help restore your confidence and put the smile back on your face:

  1. Dental implants lend support to the other teeth that are left in your mouth. This spreads the load more evenly when you bite and chew since the gaps are filled in, and also improves your oral hygiene.
  1. When teeth are lost, bone is resorbed into the body and this causes the jaw to change shape and for hollow areas to form in the cheeks, which make a person look much older than they really are. Implants put a halt to bone loss because they stimulate the gum tissue and regenerate growth. They also fill out the lips and face, giving a more rounded youthful appearance.
  1. As few as 4 dental implants can secure a lower set of dentures meaning that they won’t slip or slide around and will feel more like natural teeth. In fact dentures stay where they should – in your mouth.
  1. Dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth and if cared for properly have the potential to last for up to 40 years. Because they fit securely into the mouth and are colour matched to any remaining teeth, they offer a natural seamless finish. They look, feel, and act like natural teeth meaning you can go about your life without worrying what your teeth are doing.
  1. Denture wearers are often dictated to by their teeth when it comes to choosing what to eat. Once dentures are supported by implants, a person can start to enjoy their favourite foods again such as crunchy vegetables and crisp fruits, lean meat, and nuts. This can mean they enjoy a more nutritious diet which in turn can improve their overall health too.

If you’re keen to learn more about how a dental implant in Richmond could help you then why not come and talk to Sheen Dental. We’ve got years of experience in placing implants and offer a free consultation where you can meet the team, take a tour of the clinic, and ask all the questions you want. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.