Busting Three Myths About Dental Implants With Regard To Pain, Time, And Expense
Here at Sheen Dental Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have been fitting dental implants in Richmond patients for many years with great success. Over the years we continually hear 3 reasons why patients haven’t considered, or alternatively have quickly dismissed, the implantation process. These are –
Dental implants take a long time
- Dental implants are painful to fit
- Dental implants are really expensive
Let’s take a closer look at each one in greater detail..
Dental implants take a long time to fit
While it’s true that dental implants aren’t a quick fix solution to missing teeth they might not take as long as you think. On average a dental implant from initial consultation through to final fitting takes somewhere between 2-4 months. Clearly this depends upon the recovery capabilities of the individual and what needs to be carried out. In order to put this into perspective a dental bridge can take 3-6 weeks to fit properly, so as you can see, dental implants aren’t really that longer than other forms of missing teeth replacement and what’s more, if you opt for services such as ‘teeth in a day’ the process can be even quicker.
Dental implants are painful to fit
Okay so fitting a dental implant in Richmond for example, does require surgery as the implant needs to be secured down into the jaw bone. That said the vast majority of patients feel little or no pain during surgery and depending upon what needs to be carried out are able to continue as normal within a day or two. Others might experience a longer recovery period with a little swelling and bruising but this is normally brought under control quickly using over-the-counter medication.
Dental implants are really expensive
Initially they might cost, two, three or even four times that of other forms of tooth replacement, but what you’re getting is a type of missing tooth/teeth replacement that looks, feels, and even acts just like the real thing. What’s more, provided they’re looked after correctly, dental implants are also permanent. Unlike dentures, they don’t need replacing every 7-10 years, they won’t come loose, and they won’t cause embarrassment, allowing you to eat what you want, when you want. In fact when you add up the cost of having to continually replace dentures, plus all the fixatives and cleaning products needed to keep them looking and feeling good, then suddenly, dental implants seem a cost-effective option.
If you’d like to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they can change your life then either check out our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively, contact us on 020 8876 5277 where you can book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation.