Can Any Dentist Give Me A Dental Implant?

When considering a dental implant in Richmond you might be overwhelmed by the choice of clinics in the area offering this service. This is because the implantation process is becoming increasingly popular. In fact as more and more clinics are trying to increase business, many dentists are cottoning on to the idea that dental implants are the way forward. This coupled with the fact that legally speaking, any dentist can perform the process, then for the patient concerned the choice is often vast.

Price versus experience

dental implants in RichmondAs is clearly the case newly qualified dentists or those that are new to placing implants don’t have the experience that well-established implant dentists do. As such, and more often than not, the only way that they can compete is on price. Conversely, a highly-experienced dental implant dentist might have successfully placed hundreds or even thousands of dental implants. Because of this they might charge more, but what you’re getting is a service from someone who knows exactly what they’re doing. Fitting dental implants in Richmond or indeed any other area in the UK isn’t a fit and forget process. Instead it’s a lifelong commitment by both the dentist and patient. The patient needs to commit to making sure that their implants are cared for continually by maintaining high standards of oral hygiene. The dentist is committed to being vigilant to any implant problems in the patient should they arise. More often than not early treatment is the best way to save an implant. This being the case it’s easy to see how someone who is newly qualified or inexperienced can miss the signs (which are not always that noticeable) that might in turn go on to cause implant problems and in some cases failure.

In essence dental implants should be seen as a long-term investment in your overall health and are something that shouldn’t necessarily be seen as a cut price opportunity as there are many more factors to weigh up. If you go with the mindset that experience should always outweigh price then this should make your decision a slightly easier one. Of course if you get a bargain in the process than that’s great, but nine times out of ten implants are reassuringly expensive for a reason.

At Sheen Dental we’ve got vast experience of fitting dental implants in Richmond and as such we invite you to come and speak to us to discuss your options. With our free, no-obligation consultation you really have nothing to lose. Either phone us directly on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at