Can Any Tooth Be Replaced With A Dental Implant?

If you’re considering getting a dental implant in Richmond then you probably have lots of questions that you need answers to. This particular restorative treatment is quite different to any other methods out there since it is the only treatment which replaces the entire structure of a biological  tooth, including the part that no one sees….. the root which sits below the surface of the gum. Dental implants can replace any tooth in a patient’s mouth including molars and canines. However, when it come to using implants to replace damaged, decayed, or missing teeth, then other factors such as bone density and health, are more important than the type of tooth being replaced. .

dental-implantsWhat does a dental implant consist of?

Two major components are involved when replacing a tooth with a dental implant. First of all a titanium implant post is surgically embedded into the jawbone which acts as a tooth root for the missing tooth. After the surgery a patient will need to endure a healing time of between 3 to 6 months. This stage of the treatment allows surrounding bone and gum tissue to fuse with the implant by covering it to secure it firmly into position. Once this has happened the smile transformation will be completed by bonding a permanent prosthesis to the implant post. In the case of a single implant a dental crown will be used whereas for a series of missing teeth, a bridge may be used instead. The carefully shaped crown will provide a biting surface as well as supporting adjacent teeth, restoring total functionality. A material such as porcelain provides a very natural and lifelike restoration which blends in seamlessly with the remainder of the teeth.

How are implants cared for?

One of the main benefits of dental implants is their low maintenance. Similar to natural teeth they just require daily brushing and flossing combined with regular check ups with the dentist.

I’m interested in dental implants, what should I do next?

If you’re wondering whether dental implants in Richmond are for you, then the only way to find out is to schedule a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental. Here you’ll meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team to get your questions answered and your concerns addressed. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 to book your consultation or contact us online at We look forward to welcoming you to Sheen Dental.