Can Dental Implants Go Wrong And If So, Why?

Despite the fact that dental implants are considered the most advanced form of missing tooth replacement that modern dentistry allows they can never be considered 100% successful in all patients. The reason for this is that whether you’re undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond, or indeed in Harley Street, implant success relies on a number of factors, many of which are out of the surgeon’s control.

So just what can go wrong and why?


Dental Implants_26Although dental implants have been proven to be both strong and durable, they are in many ways just like our normal teeth in that they can suffer when under attack from bacteria. Just as bacteria causes gum disease which can weaken the gum in normal teeth, the same can be said for implants. Advanced gum disease can attack the gum area surrounding the implant causing it to weaken and eventually fall out. A bacterial build up is caused in the main by poor oral hygiene and because of this, it’s important for all implant patients to commit to a regime of thorough brushing, flossing and rinsing. This should also be interspersed with regular trips to the dentist and hygienist to monitor progress. If any of the above aren’t taken care of, then no matter how skilfully and precisely the implant is placed, there’s a strong chance that it’s going to fail.


Smoking is a major cause of implant failure for several reasons, Firstly bacteria is present in tobacco smoke and this can be passed into the mouth when smoke is inhaled. Secondly smoking also slows down the body’s ability to regenerate new bone which is imperative in the creation of a solid implant platform. In a worst case scenario, bone generation might not occur at all. For these reasons anyone who is seeking dental implants in Richmond and does smoke will be strongly advised to quit. If not totally, at the very least for a few weeks before surgery and during the whole of the regeneration process (up to 9 months).

Fractured or cracked implant

On very rare occasions the implant itself can fracture or crack. It could be because the implant placed is of inferior quality (although this can be rectified by making sure that the surgeon performing the operation only uses tried and tested brands). Alternatively it could be because the implant hasn’t been placed correctly and therefore abnormal bite forces have caused the implant to fracture (again, this can be rectified by making sure the implant surgeon is highly experienced). Finally, abnormal teeth grinding such as those who suffer with bruxism can also place unnecessary forces onto the implant causing it to fracture. Anyone suffering from excessive teeth grinding, should seek help with the problem before dental implants are considered.

As you can see, there are factors that can affect the successful outcome of a dental implant but on the whole if the right checks are done and patients adhere to the correct forms of after-care, then there’s no reason why dental implants can’t be a total success.

To find out more about dental implants in Richmond visit our website at or alternatively, contact Sheen Dental directly on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no- obligation consultation.