Can Dental Implants Really Reverse The Ageing Process?

Let’s face it, there are no real secrets to eternal youth however much we’d like to believe in magical lotions and potions and for most people, a good healthy balanced lifestyle is the key. However for those people who have lost multiple teeth, either through an unfortunate accident or bad dietary choices, they often appear to look ten years or more older. This is where a dental implant in Richmond can help.

dental implants in RichmondOne of the answers to multiple missing teeth has of course been the denture and even though they’re a long way from the clunky ‘false teeth’ of old, in that nowadays they’re lightweight and more lifelike than ever before, they fail to solve one fundamental problem and that’s bone loss. As teeth are missing the bone that once surrounded the tooth root starts to waste away and this continues over time. Those who experience major facial bone loss through multiple missing teeth have a sunken look that tends to age them.

So how can implants help?

When dental implants are placed they’re attached directly into the jawbone. As a result the bone tissue that surrounds them is once again stimulated causing it to regenerate. Therefore by permanently replacing missing teeth, dental implants in Richmond help to restore the volume of the facial structure including cheeks and lips making the patient look years younger.

Aside from looks, dental implants can also make you appear younger in other ways too. Firstly because they are a permanent (non removable) solution they allow the wearer to be able to eat any type of food, allowing them to make healthy food choices they might not previously have been able to because of the difficulty in eating the said foods. Clearly eating healthier will have a profound effect on the body too making you feel younger and indeed fitter.

Finally, because they’re about as natural looking as modern dentistry allows dental implants give many tooth loss sufferers back some much needed self-esteem. Unlike many dentures it isn’t always easy for anyone to tell that a patient is wearing implants. Add this to the fact that a dental implant wearer is going to be able to smile, talk, and chew naturally once again and it’s understandable that they’ll feel both confident and invigorated.

If you want to find out more about how dental implants in Richmond can reverse the ageing process then check out our website at Alternatively, if you’d like to discuss your dental options further, then contact Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team on 020 8876 5277 for a free, no obligation consultation.