Can I have Dental Implants If I Grind My Teeth?

This really is a catch 22 situation. For those who suffer from teeth grinding (bruxism), the constant wear and tear can damage natural teeth so severely that they need replacing. The issue is that continual teeth grinding can also damage dental implants. In Richmond for example, we state that the best chance of implant success is for patients to not grind their teeth. Therefore if you do suffer from bruxism, what do you do? Before we answer this it’s worth explaining a little more about why people grind their teeth and more importantly, how it can affect dental implants.

Why does bruxism occur?

dental-implants-richmondExperts believe that bruxism can be brought on by a number of factors including stress, anxiety, alcohol consumption, smoking, sleep problems, fatigue, caffeine and snoring. It’s thought that as many as 1 in 10 people grind their teeth. Typically this occurs at night when the sufferer is asleep so they don’t even know that they’re doing it. Usually it’s the patient’s partner or spouse that becomes aware of the condition first, because of the sound it makes. The problem is that the forces exerted on the teeth when grinding are far more than a standard bite force. The results are that over time substantial tooth damage can take place along with chronic earache and jaw pain.

What happens to dental implants?

Continual teeth grinding can wear away the protective porcelain until the implant fractures or cracks. In addition the constant force on the titanium implant itself can be enough to cause it to become loose. Implants are incredibly strong so the process can take years. However teeth grinders can be expected to have to change their implants several times during their life. Not only can this be incredibly expensive, it’s the fact of having to wait another 4-9 months for your new teeth, every time they need replacing.

Okay so what’s the solution?

One solution for anyone interested in undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond is to wear a night guard. This is like a protective shield for the teeth that you wear at night when you’re most likely to grind your teeth. Alternatively, the other alternative is to opt for a zirconia dental implant. Typically implants are made from acrylic or dental porcelain. Although they’re designed to blend in with your natural teeth they are more likely to crack and chip when exposed to excessive forces. In contrast zirconia is the hardest and most durable dental substance available and can give the dental implant the added durability that a bruxism sufferer needs. Normally they are more expensive than titanium/porcelain implants and because they’re not as well-established, there is some argument as to whether or not they integrate with bone tissue as efficiently. However, zirconia implants could be the answer for many bruxism sufferers who require replacement teeth.

If you’d like to find out more about dental implants and whether you’re able to have them then book yourself a free, no-obligation appointment with Dr Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. We’ve been successfully placing dental implants in Richmond for many years and during this time have helped many bruxism sufferers restore their great looking smile. To make your appointment either visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today. On behalf of the team we look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.