Can Teeth Grinding Cause Dental Implant Failure?

When you lose a tooth as an adult it’s important to get it replaced as soon as possible in order to avoid further dental complications. When a tooth is lost the adjacent teeth begin to shift as they try to fill the gap that has been left. This can result in misaligned teeth that trap particles of food and are difficult to clean, which in turn can lead to decay and cavities. The best form of tooth replacement is a dental implant in Richmond which fuses with the jawbone and offers a durable and strong anchor for a dental restoration. However the key to a successful dental implant is integrations, the process where the surrounding bone and soft tissues grow over the implant to create a strong bond. If this doesn’t occur then the dental implant will fail. There are a few conditions which can increase the risk of dental implant failure and one of them is teeth grinding, or bruxism.

What is bruxism?

dental implants in RichmondBruxism isn’t a term that’s commonly heard, even though many patients suffer from it. It’s the medical name for repeated teeth grinding or clenching. No-one really knows why some patients experience this condition although it’s thought to be linked to stress, and can also be caused by misaligned or missing teeth. Tooth grinding puts significant pressure on the teeth which over time can damage and wear them down. The trouble is that bruxism occurs mostly at night when a person is asleep, which makes it all the more difficult to control without professional treatment.

Bruxism and dental implant failure

As mentioned above, it’s vital that osseointegration takes place if the implant is to succeed. The process of osseointegration can takes months, and varies from one patient to another. It’s important while waiting for the implant to fuse with the surrounding bone that the teeth aren’t placed under any undue pressure, which is why bruxism can pose a real threat to the success of the implant. If a patient repeatedly grinds or clenches their teeth during this first recovery stage of the implant treatment, then it’s highly likely that osseointegration won’t happen and a successful outcome is very unlikely.

Can I still be eligible for a dental implant?

It’s only natural for patients suffering from bruxism to question their suitability for dental implants in Richmond. However, as long as the gums and the jaw are healthy and strong and haven’t been affected by bruxism then the dental implant treatment can still be successful. Having said that, it will be necessary for patients to take certain precautions to avoid grinding or clenching their teeth. In most cases we recommend that a custom mouth guard be worn at night which will keep a patient’s bruxism under control as they sleep. Relaxation techniques and exercise can also be beneficial to help avoid this harmful habit.

If you’ve suffered from tooth loss and would like to find out more about dental implants in Richmond then why not come and speak with Sheen Dental. We offer a free implant consultation where you can meet the team and get your questions answered. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book online at