Can We Live With Missing Teeth

Dental implants in Richmond are the perfect way to replace missing teeth and the rise in implant treatments has shown that many people are just not happy to live with missing teeth. Conversely others take the stance that missing teeth are part and parcel of the ageing process and choose to do nothing. The question is whether living with missing teeth is really that bad?

dental implants in RichmondLet’s just say that you have one or two missing teeth. They’re not visible as they’re located at the back of your mouth. You still have your smile and your missing teeth aren’t hindering your eating, chewing, and speaking processes. Surely then there’s nothing to worry about? Actually there’s a great deal to worry about because once you experience a missing tooth, then it starts of a whole catalyst of problems that can result in more missing teeth. Lets explain…

Bone resorption

When a tooth is missing the surrounding bone tissue that once supported the tooth root is no longer stimulated. As such it starts to waste away. As it does the jaw bone starts to thin making you appear older than your years. In addition as the jawbone progressively thins it starts to undermine other healthy teeth.


Imagine that your complete set of teeth are like an archway on a building. If you take a stone away, then that arch no longer supports itself and as a result can collapse. The same kind of thing can happen with your teeth. Once a tooth is missing, adjacent teeth start to gravitate towards the gap because they’re no longer supported. As they do this they start to twist out of alignment. As a result a perfectly straight set of teeth now become crooked.

Cleaning problems

Just to exacerbate problems further, when teeth are crooked they become difficult to clean as tiny food particles can get trapped in the space. Thorough flossing and brushing can be nigh on impossible as often, much of the food debris can’t be removed. When debris/bacteria is left it turns into a sticky substance known as plaque. If dental plaque is left for several days it hardens and turns into tartar or calculus. Tartar can usually only be removed with a trip to the hygienist who will use special dental tools to remove the build up. If left tartar can start to attack otherwise healthy teeth.

As you can see, just one missing tooth can cause a cascade of problems that can undermine the whole of your mouth. Therefore it really is important when you have a missing tooth to get the problem seen to right away.

If you’re suffering from a missing tooth or teeth then you should speak to us about your options. Dental implants in Richmond are one sure-fire way to make sure that you have no further tooth loss as it halts the bone loss process once and for all. Why not check out our website at or call us on 020 8876 5277 to find out more.