Can You Be Too Young Or Too Old For Dental Implants?

If you’re missing teeth then you’re probably busy weighing up your replacement options. Dental implants in Richmond are extremely natural looking and offer a permanent method of replacement for missing teeth. They can also help you maintain a good level of oral hygiene for years to come. However, since implants require a surgical procedure you may be wondering whether there are any age restrictions. Is a teenager for example too young or might a pensioner be too old? For most adults age is not a defining factor. Instead it’s the oral and physical concerns which are the main considerations when determining suitable candidacy. Conversely dental implants aren’t really suitable for adolescents because their jaws are still growing. Dr. Harmit Kalsi will examine your jawbone and delve into your medical history to make sure that implants are right for you.

Adults and dental implants

dental implants in RichmondAdults of all ages are potentially suitable candidates for dental implants and that includes seniors as well. Here at Sheen Dental we’ve given implants to patients who were in their 90’s! Nevertheless although age won’t prevent you from getting a dental implant in Richmond, certain health conditions may. First you’ve got to be able to tolerate undergoing the surgery that’s needed to place dental implants. The procedure is quick and has only minor side effects but if you have a high risk of infection, weakened immune system, or a blood disorder then you may be turned down for implants.

One of the most common factors that can effect your eligibility for dental implants is jaw erosion. When you lose a tooth the jawbone starts to recede almost right away. This means that your volume of bone is lessened and may therefore not provide a solid foundation in which to place a dental implant. Often bone grafts can be used to build up the volume of bone and sometimes your surgeon may be able to use smaller diameter dental implants which don’t require such a large volume of bone. In cases such as these then you may be able to receive dental implants without the bone grafting procedure.

Children and dental implants

Although tooth loss is predominantly more common in adults, children can lose their baby teeth much earlier than they should. They can also lose their permanent teeth due to accidents, trauma, and decay. However, children and teens aren’t suitable candidates for dental implants. In order to qualify for dental implant treatment, a patient needs to have a stable bone structure in place and in teenagers the jawbone is still growing until they’re between 16-18. For this reason implants would be likely to fail as the jaw continued to alter its shape. All teenagers are different and Dr. Harmit Kalsi would evaluate an older teen to see if they could qualify. However, if they weren’t a suitable candidate at this stage then they could receive a bridge or other restoration until they had stopped growing.

If you’d like to find out whether or not you’re a suitable candidate for dental implants in Richmond then why not take advantage of our free consultation where you can also get your questions answered at the same time. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.