Comparing The Cost Of Dental Implants Against Other Missing Teeth Treatments

If you’re suffering from tooth loss and considering your options for tooth replacement then you’re probably already aware that dental implants in Richmond or anywhere in the UK, are the very best solution in terms of protecting oral health and function, appearance, and comfort. You probably also know that dental implants cost more than other missing teeth treatments. However, what you may not be aware of is that the initial cost of dental implants isn’t the whole story since the ongoing costs of alternative treatments can make dental implants a cost effective solution in the long run.

Longevity is key to long-term costs

dental implants in RichmondSo you might well be wondering how a restoration using dental implants which have a higher initial cost can possibly be a bargain in the long run. There are several factors which contribute to the cost effectiveness of implants when compared to more traditional treatments such as dentures and bridges, but longevity is the most important.

Once an implant has been placed to anchor replacement teeth into the jawbone, then patients can expect it to last on average for around 25 years and with proper care, which includes meticulous brushing and flossing, professional cleaning, and regular sic monthly dental check-ups, an implant can last a patient’s lifetime. In comparison, traditional bridges will last anywhere from 4-12 years depending on the type fitted and partial or full conventional dentures typically need replacing between 3 to 5 years. So although the initial cost of an implant may be considerably higher, when you take into account the recurring expense of replacing dentures, which amounts to between 5-8 times during the average 25 year lifespan of a dental implant, then a dental implant in Richmond is a far cheaper option. The same also applies to conventional dental bridges which is also a recurring expense as they need replacing anywhere between 4 – 12 years depending on the type of bridge.

As you can see the long term costs of other missing teeth replacement treatments put a totally different perspective on the cost of dental implants. In order to get a handle on which is the most cost effective form of treatment in your particular case then you need to look beyond the up-front costs.

If you’d like to receive a quote for dental implants in Richmond then we invite you to a free consultation with Dr. Harmit Kalsi at Sheen Dental. Here you can meet the team, get your questions answered and have a tour of the facilities. He can also give you a quote and provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan should you decide to go ahead. Call today on 020 8876 5277 or book online at