Dental Implants – A Great Solution To Single Or Multiple Tooth Extractions

It’s fair to say that dental implants in Richmond, or anywhere in the UK, provide the strongest, most stable, and realistic method of replacing missing teeth that modern dentistry has to offer. They’re also incredibly versatile and can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth which are consecutive or non-consecutive, or even a full set of teeth. No longer do you have to live with a smile that you’re embarrassed to show, or suffer the functionality and health issues of missing teeth. With dental implants you get given a chance to improve your oral health and regain your smile.

Single tooth replacementDental Implants in Richmond

If you’re missing just one tooth then there are several replacement options available to you. One is a conventional fixed bridge which is attached to the teeth on either side of the gap. However, a far better option is a single dental implant which doesn’t rely on healthy teeth for support. Dr. Harmit Kalsi can place a single titanium implant post into the site where the tooth is missing. Once this has fused with the surrounding bone, then a natural looking crown can be attached to it to restore your smile and give you back full functionality.

Replacing multiple teeth

Where several consecutive teeth are missing then the best option is a dental bridge secured by a couple of dental implants. The bridge consists of up to 3 replacement teeth which are held in place at either end by dental crowns which are attached to dental implants. This means that the gap is filled without having to file down the adjacent healthy teeth to accommodate the bridge, as is the case with a traditional dental bridge.

Replacing a full set of upper or lower teeth

Replacing each and every tooth with a dental implant isn’t practical and would mean the patient enduring months of healing time, not to mention considerable expense. Instead we would recommend implant retained dentures. As the name suggests implants are used to hold the dentures in place and, unlike removable dentures, these can’t slip around in the mouth. This does away with the problems that most denture wearers have when biting, chewing, and speaking. Just imagine the confidence of being able to eat anything without fear of your dentures breaking and of being able to speak clearly once more. Implant retained dentures really do change your life for the better.

If you’re facing tooth extraction or struggling with your current dentures, then why not come and talk to Sheen Dental. When it comes to a dental implant in Richmond, we’ve been placing them in patients for a long time and still get satisfaction from their happy reactions. No matter how many teeth you’re missing, or from whatever part of the mouth, we can help. Call to book a free no-obligation consultation on 020 8876 5277 to see what we can do for you. Or alternatively you can make an appointment using our website at