Dental Implants and Brushing Your Teeth

It’s quite common when examining patients who have come to us for dental implants in Richmond to replace missing teeth, to find that they have neglected cleaning certain areas of their mouth. Where a number of teeth may have been missing for some years, then we can see how they might think that if there’s no teeth there, then why bother brushing that area. Of course it is still possible for gum disease to occur there, but for a patient who isn’t aware of this fact, then we do ‘get’ why their logic might tell them not to brush these areas.

dental implants richmondBreaking bad habits

We all know how difficult it can be to break a habit, but if you’ve just had dental implants placed, then it couldn’t be more important that you get to grips with this particular habit right away. Dental implants themselves are extremely strong and will be none the worse for lack of cleaning, but the same can’t be said for the gum and bone in the implant area.

If brushing is neglected then gum disease can occur and this has the potential to threaten the bone that the implant has been placed into, causing it to deteriorate and loose its grip on the implant, which may then loosen and fall out.

How to clean

If you’ve grown accustomed to not brushing in certain areas then it may feel a little strange at first brushing around your dental implant. This is normal, so don’t worry. However, once the implants have fully integrated with the surrounding bone, they’re securely held in place and won’t be dislodged or damaged, even by very firm brushing. Whether you prefer to use a manual or electric tooth brush, just remember to change the head at least every three months so that it remains effective at removing plaque.

Although the implants are held securely in place it’s still advisable not to brush too hard. Although firm brushing won’t affect the implants it can damage the enamel on your natural teeth, leaving them more susceptible to decay. It can also make your gums sore.


Whether or not you were flossing before you got your dental implants in Richmond, it’s a good time to start now. The bacteria that is responsible for causing gum disease is often lurking in those areas that are hard to reach with a toothbrush. Dental floss is a great way of removing tiny particles of food that get trapped between teeth and just below the gumline. If you’re not sure how to floss correctly, then our hygienist can show you.

For more information about caring for your implant, you can call Sheen Dental direct on 020 8876 5277 to book a consultation or contact us online at