Dental Implants and Conscious Sedation

If you’re an anxious patient then there are probably many dental procedures that you don’t feel able to face and as for undergoing oral surgery, well that’s definitely one step too far. Many nervous patients find it hard enough simply attending a six monthly check-up and their anxiety makes it difficult for them to consider a solution to their missing teeth problems, such as dental implants in Richmond.

conscious sedationDental implants are highly regarded as the most effective and natural form of tooth replacement currently available in the dental industry. They are embedded into the jawbone and anchor the false teeth securely to the gums. Because they act as a replacement tooth root, they continue to stimulate the gums to keep them healthy and to prevent the thinning of the gums which typically occurs when a tooth is lost. Unfortunately, a short period of surgery is required to place the implants into the jawbone and the very idea of this procedure is enough to trigger an anxiety attack in an already nervous patient. It’s only natural that a person might assume they will feel pain and discomfort during surgery. However, most of our patients report that their experience wasn’t anywhere near as bad as they thought it would be, and most said that it was more uncomfortable having a tooth extracted.

Conscious sedation

Fortunately we are able to ease the anxiety of nervous patients who want to have dental implants by using conscious sedation, which is specially designed to make the experience more pleasant and not at all stressful. Conscious sedation is an excellent way of putting a patient at ease and allowing the dentist or oral surgeon get on with the surgery speedily and effectively. They’ll remain in a relaxed frame of mind throughout the procedure and although they’ll know little about what is happening, they’ll be awake the whole time and able to respond to instructions from the dentist. A local anaesthetic will also be given to numb the area.

There are several ways for conscious sedation to be administered i.e. inhalation, orally, or intravenously. Typically for the dental implant treatment we would use IV sedation which is delivered through a small needle inserted into a vein on the hand. Not only does this take effect quickly, but it also allows for the patient to be monitored throughout the surgery, and the level of sedation adjusted if necessary. Conscious sedation is relatively safe, but like with any medicine there are always risks. It’s important, therefore, that you provide your dentist with your medical background and inform him of any medications you may be taking, so as to avoid complications.

Conscious sedation can help you overcome your fears so that you can receive the dental treatment that you need. Talk about your fears with your dentist and they’ll discuss the best form of sedation for you. If you’d like to know more about getting a dental implant in Richmond then why not come and speak with Sheen Dental. We offer a free consultation which can be booked online at or you can phone the clinic on 020 8876 5277.