Dental Implants And The Importance Of Treatment Planning

In this post we thought it would be a good idea to talk about another aspect of dental implants in Richmond and that’s treatment planning. Chances are you’ve heard a great deal about the major advantages that implants can bring in that they provide a near permanent and natural solution to teeth replacement. However as good as implants are they do require careful planning.

dental implants in RichmondA large part of the whole implant process isn’t about the actual implant itself, instead it’s more about what’s happening AROUND the implant area. Let’s explain further…

Before a natural tooth is missing the bone tissue and gum surrounding the tooth are supported and stimulated by the tooth root. When a tooth is lost the support network for the surrounding bone is no longer there. As a result the bone tissue starts to waste away causing the gum to recede.

So what does this mean for a potential implant?

Whether a patient is considering undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond or some place else, they’re going to need both sufficient and healthy bone for the implant to be attached into. The problem is that when a tooth has been missing for a period of time, this might not be the case. So does this mean that a patient who suffers with receding bone tissue isn’t eligible for dental implants? In a word no, and this is where treatment planning comes in.

An experienced implant dentist will be able to carry out a procedure known as a bone graft. This is where tiny pieces of healthy bone are transplanted onto the receded area and allowed to grow. If successful, then after a period of time the patient should an abundance of healthy looking bone into which the implant can be placed. Clearly this surgical process needs to be carried out well in advance of any implant surgery, giving the area time to heal and grow. Time scales for recovery often take around 2-4 months depending upon the individual and this should all be carefully factored in to the overall treatment.

So you see, without proper treatment planning, there’s an increased chance of dental implant failure and therefore it really is vital to the success of the whole process.

If you want to find out more about how treatment planning can help the success of any potential implants then check out our website further on Alternatively if you’d like to find out more about the implant process as a whole then book yourself a no obligation consultation with us here at Sheen Dental. Implants in Richmond don’t come cheap so it’s understandable that you should get all your questions and concerns answered in order for you to make an informed dental decision. Contact us on 020 8876 5277 and book yours today.