Dental Implants And The Wonders Of Titanium

Despite the fact that there are over 150 known makes and models of dental implants, anyone opting for a dental implant in Richmond, is likely to find it is made of the same materials as someone looking for an implant in Edinburgh or Manchester per se, and that material is titanium. So why is this?


dental implants in RichmondFirstly titanium is seen to be non-toxic. It’s even thought that we consume around 0.8 milligrams of titanium everyday in our diet. It’s known to be present in many vegetables and plants and passes through our body’s finely-balanced eco-system without ever causing any harm.

No-contact allergies

Unlike the majority of other metals, titanium has no known contact allergies. While some materials are regarded as ‘bio-compatible’ (compatible with body tissue and unlikely to be rejected) titanium goes one step further and is actually classed as ‘bio-inductive’ (body cells embrace it).

So why is this important?

It’s all to do with a process known as osseointegration. This is vital to the success of dental implants and is where natural bone tissue that surrounds the newly placed implant grows and fuses around it over time (usually somewhere between 2-6 months). When it does, it creates a strengthened platform that can hold a crown, bridge or denture.

It’s lightweight

Titanium is incredibly lightweight, yet pound for pound it’s as strong as stainless steel. This is why it’s often used in the component parts of sports cars. If you held a dental implant in your hand, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it was made from a piece of plastic, however when secured in the mouth and with the right dental crown, it has the ability to withstand a bite pressure of a little over 450 lbs per square inch. That’s a lot of pressure!

It’s long-lasting

When you undergo surgery for a dental implant in Richmond, then provided that it’s cared for correctly there’s no reason why it can’t last forty years or more. For this reason it’s understandable that for functionality you want a material that doesn’t corrode or degenerate with time. Titanium is such a composite.

If you’d like to find out more about the type of titanium used in implants or would like to know anything about dental implants in Richmond particularly, then contact Sheen Dental. By booking yourself a free no-obligation consultation you can get all your questions and concerns answered, allowing you to make an informed dental decision based on cold hard facts. Book yours today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at