Dental Implants – Are They Really A ‘No Go’ Area For Nervous Patients?

Many people discount undergoing dental implants in Richmond as a form of missing tooth replacement not because of the cost, but because they fear the surgical procedure, the recovery, but most importantly, they fear the unknown. For nervous dental patients especially, a fear of the unknown is usually enough to dissuade them from undergoing what would otherwise be a positive life changing procedure, and in most cases this is a real shame. With this in mind, what have dental practices done to help nervous patients.

Free, no-obligation consultations

dental-implants-richmondNowadays dentists are far more geared towards having an understanding of what makes patients feel nervous or anxious. For any nervous patients undergoing common procedures such as hygiene cleans and fillings is a big deal, but because they know what to expect and know the outcome, they reluctantly have it done. Conversely for the vast majority of people, dental implants are new. For some it’s a step too far into the unknown. This is why some people decide to opt for more conventional types of missing tooth replacement, even though they mightn’t be as beneficial in the long-term. As a result dentists are taking this on board and many now offer free, no-obligation consultations where patients can visit the clinic, meet the team, and most of all get all their questions and concerns answered, giving them a clearer picture of how the procedure works. Doing so creates an air of familiarity and hopefully, if and when the time comes for treatment, they know exactly what to expect.

Treatment planning

In addition to creating familiarity, nowadays dentists will also create bespoke treatment plans for every patient. This means that the patient knows at what stage they’re at in the procedure, when they should expect the next treatment, and the length of time the overall treatment will take. Modern dentists will also try not to use technical jargon and instead make sure everything is explained in a patient-friendly way that can easily be understood.

Sedation techniques

Finally many dentists are also embracing modern-day sedation techniques which are designed to place the patient in a relaxed, carefree, and most importantly, comfortable state. Techniques such as conscious sedation ensures that the patient remains fully awake during any procedure and is able to respond to the requirements of the dentist should they need to. But also, recovery from the sedative is quick and doesn’t leave the patient feeling sick or drowsy.

So should a dental implant in Richmond be a ‘no go’ area for nervous patients?

In a word no! Dental implants can be life changing and provided that it’s approached in the right way by the dental team and they’re aware that the patient feels nervous or anxious, then there are plans that they can put in place to help.

To find out more about how dental implants in Richmond can help you then either visit our website at where you’ll find a wealth of information, or contact us for a consultation. To book yours call us on 020 8876 5277. Remember despite being an anxious or nervous patient you shouldn’t have to suffer with missing teeth. Instead get in touch today and start the ball rolling towards restoring your great looking smile.