Dental Implants Have Been Around For Longer Than You May Think

Many people think of dental implants in Richmond and elsewhere in the UK as being a relatively new dental treatment, so you may be surprised to know that they can be traced back thousands of years. Archaeologists have unearthed Chinese remains with ‘implants’ made from bamboo and hammered into the jaw, which incredibly are 4,000 years old. Some Egyptian mummies which are 2,000 years old have been discovered with dental implants made from ivory, precious metals, and even human teeth! There have also been Mayan remains dating from 600 AD where the replacement teeth were carved from pieces of seashell. Even with their limited science and crude methods, some of these ‘implants’ fused with the jawbone.

dental-implants-richmondMore modern times

The first modern dental implants were invented by a Swedish physician and research professor,

Per-Ingvar Branemark in the 1950’s when he found that the titanium oculars he had inserted into the lower legs of rabbits couldn’t be removed from the bone after a period of healing. Having discovered osseointegration (as the fusion of bone and titanium is known) he went on to invent dental implants utilising titanium screws.

The discovery that metal could be fused with bone opened up a wealth of possibilities for patients missing teeth. While dentures lead to bone loss, dental implants stimulate the gums to promote healthy re-growth and improved oral health, as well as preserving the structure of the jawbone. Modern day implants have been transforming lives and the beautifully crafted crowns look far nicer than seashell or bamboo!

If you live in or around London you can benefit from thousands of years progress which have made a dental implant in Richmond the very best tooth replacement treatment currently available. If you’ve any questions you need answering, or want to know more about how dental implants could benefit you, then why not attend a free consultation with Sheen Dental where you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team. Give us a call today on 020 8876 5277 to book your consultation or contact us online at We look forward to meeting you.