Dental Implants in Richmond – The 6 Most Popular Patient Concerns

Anyone who’s considering undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond or indeed anywhere else in the UK is likely to have some concerns. With this in mind we’ll endeavour to answer 6 of the most popular.

Concern No 1 – Are dental implants worth the cost?

dental implants in RichmondWhile it’s true that dental implants are initially more expensive than other tooth replacement systems, at around £1200-2000 per implant, you have to take into account the long-term benefits. The lifespan of cheaper restorative options such as crowns, dentures, and bridges can be anywhere between 7 and 15 years and after this they’ll need replacing. Clearly there’s an added cost involved. Conversely dental implants, have been proven to last forty years or more, so for the majority of people who have them fitted, that’s virtually a lifetime. In addition they’re also the most lifelike and hassle-free form of tooth replacement that modern dentistry allows.

Concern No 2 – Is the process painful?

In most instances the surgery itself is often less traumatic than having a tooth extraction and in virtually every case the procedure is pain-free. However like all surgical procedures there may well be some slight after effects that may include slight swelling and bruising, although this should disappear after about 3-5 days. There may also be some slight pain during the recovery process, but again this won’t affect every case and is usually brought under control with over-the-counter painkillers such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. In most cases both pain and swelling/bruising subside quickly and patients are back to normal in 1-2 weeks. In simple cases where just one implant has been placed it isn’t uncommon for patients to return to work the very next day.

Concern No 3 – will I be left with a gap during treatment?

When you undergo treatment for a dental implant in Richmond you’ll already be aware that the restoration is carried out in stages over a period of months. The first phase is to insert the titanium implant itself into the jawbone. Time is then needed for osseointegration (bone fusion) to take place. This can take anywhere between 2-6 months. In the meantime you should never be left with just a post where the tooth once was. Instead your implant dentist should fit a temporary crown until such times as the permanent crown is ready.

Concern No 4 – Am I too old for dental implants?

The good news is that age itself plays no part in determining whether you’re a good candidate for dental implants. Instead it’s your medical condition that counts. If you’re a fit a healthy 85 year old with a good medical history, then there’s every chance that dental implants will be successful. Conversely a 50 year old who suffers from uncontrollable diabetes or heart problems may be too much of a risk to undergo dental implant treatment.

Concern No 5 – Will they be comfortable and what will I look like?

Because dental implants are secured directly into the jawbone, unlike dentures, there’s no chance of any movement. This means that they won’t slip, slide, or rub. For most people having a restored smile not only gives a real boost of self confidence, but can also make them appear younger than their years. Add to this the fact that once they’re in place friends, family, or acquaintances won’t even know that they’re there.

Concern No 6 – Are they right for me?

This is something that really only you can answer, but the bottom line is that for any one who is deemed eligible for dental implants in Richmond, we will always recommend them over other methods of tooth restoration. They provide the best long-term solution to missing teeth with the minimum amount of hassle.

If you want to find out more about dental implants, Richmond based Sheen Dental are the people to speak to. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have successfully been placing implants for many years and as such have the skills and the experience to help you restore your great looking smile. Why not book your free, no obligation consultation where you can discuss your dental needs with us. To make an appointment either visit our website at, or call us directly on 020 8876 5277