Dental Implants Look Even More Natural Thanks To Computers

Missing teeth is a stressful experience for anyone. Not only can it feel uncomfortable but because your smile is the first thing that most people notice, it can make you feel self conscious. The good news is that thanks to today’s advancements in dental technology patients needing to replace one or more missing teeth can look forward to results which look incredibly natural and feel almost as if they have their missing teeth back again. Specifically we’re talking about dental implants in Richmond which combine dental implants with digital technology to create the sort of results that are truly life changing.

dental-implants-richmondDental implants on their own provide a brilliant service. Unlike all other forms of restorative treatments they actually copy the natural structure of the tooth with a custom made crown on top and a titanium implant (or false root) beneath. Over a period of time the surrounding bone and tissue forms a bond by growing over the titanium implant to keep it stable and secure. The implants also stimulate the jawbone encouraging new bone growth which is essential for the overall well being of your teeth and smile.

Beyond the great service that implants provide however, is the improvement in patient care which computer technology brings. CT scans and dental imagery allow surgeons to plan for surgery by being able to measure the quantity and quality of the jawbone with precision and to identify the position of facial structures such as nerves, blood vessels, and sinus cavities, in order that the implant can be placed in the correct place for optimal results. For patients this means less time spent in surgery, a less invasive procedure, and a shortened recovery time. This same computer technology can be used to explain the procedure to patients and what’s more it also allows for a patient to see the results of their treatment, before surgery even takes place. Pretty cool, right?

If you’ve got any questions about getting a dental implant in Richmond then come and speak with us. During a free implant consultation you’ll be given a thorough oral examination to determine your dental needs. Many patients make excellent candidates for dental implants but it’s not for everyone. A patient needs to have sufficient bone in which to place the implants and they also need to have a healthy mouth. Even if you’re not a candidate right now, we can discuss all of your dental options and help you make the choice that’s best for you. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 to book your free consultation or book online at We look forward to welcoming you to Sheen Dental.