Dental Implants – Much More Than Just New Teeth

If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond, you should know that aside from getting new life-like teeth, your implants can give you so much more. In fact they play a major contributing factor in improving your overall health and well-being. So how do they do this?

Improving your psychological state

dental implants in RichmondDid you know that a great looking set of implants can also improve your psychological state? To explain further we need to take a look at what happens when a person suffers from missing teeth. The most obvious factor is that they’re left with a gap. In some cases that gap might be towards the back of the mouth and it isn’t so conspicuous, but what if that gap is front and centre of your smile? Chances are you’d feel extremely self conscious. What’s more you’d probably try and withdraw from social situations where once you were the life and soul of the party. Before long you’re a person that’s lost confidence and probably self esteem. Now just imagine what a life-like set of pearly whites in the form of dental implants will do for you. If this isn’t enough implants can give you back a fuller mouth often making you look years younger.

Improving your diet

For those with missing teeth, or indeed for those with conventional dentures they might have to limit their food intake to foods that they can actually chew. For many this is softer foods, but by doing so they’re probably missing out on a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals the body needs to function correctly. We already know that there’s a direct link between vitamin deficiency and developing problems so by giving yourself the ability to enjoy all foods (just as implants can) you have the chance to take full control of what you eat. Aside from this we chew food not only to ease digestion but to extract the maximum amount of nutrients out of them. Clearly when we have missing teeth or wear dentures which only give us around 10% strength of our natural teeth this doesn’t happen. However dental implants are far stronger giving you the freedom to eat what you like, when you like.

So as you can see a dental implant in Richmond provides so much more than just a missing tooth replacement. It can improve your overall health and well-being too.

To find out more about how dental implants can help your situation then why not book yourself a free, no obligation consultation. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make a fully informed decision about your dental future. To book yours either visit our website at or alternatively contact us directly on 020 8876 5277.