Dental Implants – Not A Quick Fix Solution!

Whether you’re considering dental implants in Richmond or indeed anywhere else in the country, you’ll probably be aware that they aren’t a quick-fix solution. In fact the process usually takes 5-8 months but the end result is a permanent, natural looking set of teeth that will (if cared for correctly) last in excess of thirty years. Let’s take a closer look at the stages involved.

Stage 1- Evaluation and treatment plan

dental implants in RichmondThe first stage of the process involves a full evaluation. This is where the patient’s oral and medical needs are assessed and from this a treatment plan is drawn up. It could be for example that the patient needs a bone graft due to bone loss and in this case the procedure is done before any implants can be placed. This is all documented and given to the patient so that they know firstly what to expect and more importantly, treatment time scales for each stage.

Stage 2 – Implant surgery

Assuming that all bone grafts have been carried out the next stage of treatment is the placing of the titanium implant itself. This procedure is usually carried out in the dental clinic during one visit. Once a tiny hole has been carefully and precisely drilled into the jaw bone through the gum, a titanium rod (the implant itself) is secured down into it. It’s then left uncovered underneath the gum for around 3-6 months. During this time a biological bonding of the natural bone tissue to the implant known as osseointegration takes place. Throughout this healing process normal activities can be resumed and a temporary denture or bridge is usually fitted.

Stage 3 – Abutment fitting

After osseointegration has been successful a tiny cut is made in the gum and the implant exposed once more. At this stage a small abutment or extension post will be fitted. This connects the implant itself to the permanent crown.

Stage 3 – final fitting

Usually completed 2-6 weeks after the second stage the patient will first see their new replacement teeth which have been created. Usually this involves a series of appointments to take impressions as well as trying your replacement teeth. During this time the replacement teeth are finely adjusted to fit perfectly and to ensure colour, shape, and size are prefect. This third and final phase takes 4-8 weeks making the overall process 5-8 months in total.

Undergoing dental implants in Richmond mightn’t be a quick process but the end result will be a permanent set of natural looking teeth that allow you to eat, speak, and smile naturally once again. Surely that ‘s something that’s well worth waiting for?

To find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they can change your life contact Sheen Dental. Book yourself a free, no-obligation appointment either through our website at or by phoning us directly on 020 8876 5277 today.