Dental Implants Or Dentures? – Things To Consider

If you have missing teeth and are struggling to make a decision between undergoing dental implants in Richmond or opting for dentures then there are a few considerations to take into account. Let’s take a look at some of them.

The cost

dental implants in RichmondIn terms of cost then it’s fair to say that dental implants fitted by an experienced dentist are usually somewhere between around 2-4 times the price of other forms of missing tooth replacement. Of course if you’re going on initial outlay alone then it’s a bit of a ‘no brainer’. However there’s more to it than that. You see, the shelf life of a set of modern-day dentures is somewhere between 7-10 years. This is because as your natural face shape changes due to bone loss your once ‘snug fitting’ dentures no longer fit. For this reason they need to be continually adjusted. When they can’t be adjusted any more they need to be replaced. With dental implants, they’re secured permanently into the jaw bone and because of this shouldn’t ever need replacing. What’s more, dental implants last on average 30 years or more and in some cases have been proven to last 40 years plus.

The procedure

There are many differences between standard dentures and dental implants but the main variances is in the procedure itself. When as patient opts for dentures it’s usually a two step process. Firstly they’ll be measured up and impressions taken. Secondly, and usually within a few weeks the patient comes back to the clinic to receive their brand new set of teeth which are fitted on that day.

On the contrary, the process for fitting dental implants is considerably longer and can take anywhere between 3-9 months. The process is usually done in three or four stages depending upon the dentist. Firstly a consultation takes place where 3D X-rays and impressions are taken. Then some time later the patient will undergo surgery to fit the implants. Next a period of healing then needs to take place while the bone fuses with the implant (this could be anywhere between 2-4 months). Then the implant is uncovered from the gum and an abutment fitted. Finally when the implant is fully ready the crown is placed.

To sum up, if you (A) really don’t want to go through a surgical procedure of an kind or (B) you need a cheaper, quick-fix solution, then dentures might be a better option. However if you’re looking for a long-term, permanent solution to your missing teeth problems then dental implants are probably a better choice.

To find out more about how dental implants in Richmond can change your life, then book yourself a free consultation at Sheen Dental. You can make a booking either via our website at or by phone on 020 8876 5277.