Dental Implants – So Much More Than Just Expensive Fillings!

Many people are under the impression that when a person undergoes surgery to fit dental implants in Richmond or indeed anywhere else in the country that once placed, the hard work is done. This couldn’t be further from the truth. On the contrary, in order for newly placed implants to thrive, they need as much (if not more) upkeep than our standard teeth. In other words, they’re so much more than just expensive fillings.

The issues

dental implants in RichmondDental implant problems rarely cause pain, so chances are the day that a patient realises that there’s a problem is the day that their implant is about to fall out. For this reason regular 3-6 monthly dental check-up’s are vital. A dental implant dentist will be able to spot problems very early on and note any specific changes from the previous check-up. Leaving the cost issues aside, once a dental implant becomes loose and falls out it isn’t easy to refit it a second time. The plentiful bone that once surrounded the initial implant disappears (this is generally why the implant has fallen out). Therefore there simply isn’t any bone left to put another in it’s place.

So what should you do?

Know the signs

Although you might not feel pain, it’s important to be able to recognise the signs of any implant problems so that it can be treated early. Therefore when you brush your teeth, it’s well worth checking in the mirror for problematic symptoms such as swelling and redness around the base of the implant, an unpleasant taste coming from the implant, or any visible cracks or chips on the crown or implant area itself.

Thorough and regular clean

After you’ve undergone treatment for a dental implant in Richmond, at Sheen Dental we give every patient a fully personalised treatment plan and this includes how to carry out regular cleaning. We understand that it might seem like it’s telling people what they already know but the reality is that the main cause of implant problems is a failure to practice good dental hygiene. In other words the future of your newly placed implants depends on proper and regular cleaning. This means flossing, brushing, and rinsing with a good antiseptic mouthwash.

Attend regular check-up’s

Lastly, although 6 monthly check-up’s might seem a real nuisance, this is where the dentist can keep an eye on how your implant is looking. In addition any problems or issues can be spotted and dealt with before they get out of hand. Finally, a good professional clean by the hygienist can remove any excess plaque that might have built up around the implant which can otherwise cause harm.

So there you have it. Dental implants in Richmond, or anywhere else require a lifelong commitment to keep them in the best possible order. Do this and they’ll reward you with decades of trouble-free service, but treat them like expensive fillings and you could soon run into problems.

If you’d like to know more about how to properly look after dental implants or would like any further information about how they can change your life for the better then check out our website at Alternatively why no call us direct on 020 8876 5277 to book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation, where we can get together to discuss your dental future.