Dental implants: the ideal solution to tooth loss?

Dental implants are the only permanent way to replace missing teeth. At Sheen Dental in Richmond we believe that, in many cases, implants provide the ideal solution to tooth loss, whether you have lost one, some, or even all of your natural teeth.

dental-implantsThere are a lot of advantages to choosing dental implants over standard bridgework or dentures. Of course, their permanence is a key point to remember, but the fact that they are the only way for your dentist to replace the roots of any lost teeth is equally important.

Missing tooth roots lead to bone resorbtion, which in turn can cause traditional dentures to become loose, in some cases it can even alter the entire structure of your face. Loose dentures are a commonly-heard complaint at our Richmond dental practice is that false teeth that fitted so well in the beginning have become increasingly unwieldy and uncomfortable over time. This can affect diet, speech, and self-esteem.

With dental implants, all of these problems can be prevented or rectified, giving unrivalled function back to your jaw.

Dental implants can also be used to support bridgework. Traditional dental bridgework requires support from adjacent teeth, necessitating those teeth to be healthy, strong, and free from large fillings whilst also in many cases resulting in the teeth being weakened by the placement of crowns.

At our Richmond dental practice we can use two or more dental implants to support a bridge, with no work needed on adjacent teeth. An implant-retained bridge can contain more teeth than standard bridgework, too – in some cases a bridge can replace all of the teeth in one jaw.

Even one missing tooth should be replaced promptly, to minimise the risk of any further dental health problems. At Sheen Dental in Richmond we can place a single implant and attach a crown, which will be matched to the appearance of your natural teeth so that nobody will be able to tell it isn’t the real thing.

Dental implants can be placed under local anaesthetic or conscious sedation at our Richmond clinic, and after healing your permanent new teeth will be attached.