Dental implants – the perfect solution to your tooth loss?

Losing teeth is traumatic; dental implants are a stress-free way to replace them. Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond can use these bionic tooth roots to replace anything from one to all of your natural teeth, and can even offer dental implant treatment to patients who are currently lacking in bone density.

dental-implants-richmondOne of the key points to remember about dental implants is their functionality. They reproduce the action of the roots of the natural teeth, meaning that they enable you to eat what you like, speak and smile with confidence, and never worry about loose dentures affecting your life.

There are several options at Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond. The best one for you will be determined during a consultation with a Richmond implant dentist. Factors they will take into account will include:

  • How many teeth you have lost
  • The location of lost teeth
  • Your bone density and general oral health
  • Any preference you have expressed, for example for a dental bridge or for dentures

Another key point about dental implants is that they can be used in almost every scenario of tooth loss. No matter what your individual situation, your Richmond implant dentist will fully adapt treatment to create a unique solution for you.

At our Richmond dental clinic, your dentist can place dental implants under local anaesthetic or conscious sedation, depending on your preference. Conscious sedation is a good option for nervous dental patient; whilst you won’t be asleep, you will be very relaxed and peaceful, free from pain, and largely unaware of treatment.

Using minor oral surgery, your Richmond implant surgeon will place your dental implants in your jaw. As soon as they are in position, they will start to mesh with the jaw bone during the process of osseointegration.

Temporary teeth may be fitted whilst integration takes place. You will then be called back to our Richmond clinic to have your permanent new teeth attached to your implants.

After they have been fully restored, dental implants and the teeth attached to them require good oral hygiene. They should be brushed at least twice a day, as with regular teeth.