Dental Implants – They Can Improve Your Life In Ways You Might Not Expect!

If you’re exploring the options of undergoing a dental implant in Richmond you probably already know that from a long-term medical perspective it’s the best way to replace a missing tooth or teeth. However that’s all well and good, but what about the actual benefits that you can notice?


dental implants in RichmondOne of the obvious benefits of dental implants is that they bring back your smile in a natural way, but what you might be surprised about is that they can also reduce the ageing process too. When teeth are lost bone absorption takes place and when it does, the jaw starts to thin, causing the face to adopt an aged look. When the gaps in the mouth are replaced with a full set of teeth it gives the face a fuller appearance and a more youthful, all-round look. In fact, in some patients it’s been said that dental implants have made them look ten years younger.

Feeling fitter

Anyone who has suffered with missing teeth or has worn dentures for any length of time will know that their food choices are often limited. In some cases many stick to softer, less tricky foods as it’s often easier for those with dentures or a lack of teeth to process. Conversely, because dental implants are permanently attached into the jaw they give the patient the freedom to eat whatever foods they like. This means that an implant wearer can choose to adopt a healthy diet where lean meat, crunchy vegetables, and crisp fruits are no problem. By having the option to follow a good diet an implant wearer will inevitably feel better and possibly fitter as they are taking in all the essential nutrients the body needs.


The sad fact is that people with missing teeth tend to hide their smile and in some cases withdraw from social situations altogether for fear of embarrassment. The same can be said for some denture wearers, many of whom feel that they aren’t comfortable eating in public or attending social engagements. In most cases this can have a dramatic affect on confidence levels. Alternatively, after a patient has undergone treatment for dental implants in Richmond per se, more often than not, their confidence levels are at an all time high as they can once again smile, eat, and engage with friends and family with no fear of any denture problems or embarrassing moments.

If you’d like more information about how dental implants in Richmond can help you then feel free to check out our website at Alternatively why not contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make a fully informed decision about your dental future.